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Wellness and Health Promotion

UHS Wellness serves students, postdoctoral fellows, house staff, and other trainees within the School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, School of Nursing, and the Berman Institute. The wellness.jhu.edu website serves as a centralized place to explore the robust variety of health and wellness resources available to Johns Hopkins students.


SilverCloud is an online, confidential mental health resource available to all full-time Johns Hopkins students and trainees. It offers 24/7 access to interactive learning modules that teach cognitive behavioral therapy techniques for approaching life’s challenges and managing mild-to-moderate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. SilverCloud is currently available for free to all full-time learners over the age of 18 via desktop and mobile app.


Meet Calm. Discover your stress-free self. Calm includes meditation and breathing exercises, sleep stories, and relaxing nature sounds. There is also content specifically designed for college students. Unlock your Calm subscription. App is available free to anyone with a JHU-affiliated email address.

University Health Services

University Health Services (UHS), provide medical, mental health, and wellness services to students, residents, fellows, and trainees on the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore campus, which includes the School of Medicine, the Bloomberg School of Public Health, the School of Nursing, and the Berman Institute of Bioethics.

JHSAP (Johns Hopkins Student Assistance  Program)

The Johns Hopkins Student Assistance Program (JHSAP) provides suitable resources to assist students with the pressures and difficulties they may encounter during their academic careers. JHSAP is a life-management resource that helps students identify and manage challenging issues in healthy ways. All registered School of Nursing students of Johns Hopkins University and their immediate family members may use JHSAP services.


Johns Hopkins University requires that all students have comprehensive health insurance. Students are automatically enrolled in the student health benefits plan at the beginning of each academic year. However, students may waive enrollment if covered by a plan that is comparable to that offered by the University. International Students with an F1/J1 visa status are required to purchase the student health benefits plan and are not eligible to waive coverage.