Academic Advising is an important service at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (SON). Your Academic or Faculty Advisor is your primary resource regarding your educational experience.
Who is my Advisor?
MSN: Entry into Nursing Program
Students in the MSN: Entry into Nursing Program are assigned professional Academic Advisors.
MSN Entry into Nursing students can request an individual advising appointment by emailing [email protected].

Theresa Cannone, M.A., Director of Academic Advising
Theresa has been involved with higher education marketing, program management, and academic advising for over 20 years. She was the first Academic Advisor to the first cohort of MSN: Entry into Nursing students in 2015 and has been with the program ever since. She also now works with MSN Health Organizational Leadership students and enjoys helping all students navigate their nursing education journeys. In her spare time, Theresa enjoys gardening, cooking and eating at Baltimore’s many ethnic restaurants.

Anne Scoufalos, M.A., Senior Academic Advisor
Anne moved to the Baltimore area after living and teaching in Asia for six years. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History from Cedar Crest College and a Master’s Degree in TESOL from Notre Dame of Maryland University, and has worked in the field of education supporting students in higher education and k-12 for nearly 20 years. She enjoys reading, baking and learning languages in her spare time, as well as traveling to Japan to visit friends and family.
Students in the Healthcare Organizational Leadership (HOL): MSN, MSN/MBA or HOL Certificate are assigned a professional Academic Advisor.
Students can request an individual advising appointment by emailing [email protected].

Theresa Cannone, M.A., Director of Academic Advising
Theresa has been involved with higher education marketing, program management, and academic advising for over 20 years. She was the first Academic Advisor to the first cohort of MSN: Entry into Nursing students in 2015 and has been with the program ever since. She also now works with MSN Health Organizational Leadership students and enjoys helping all students navigate their nursing education journeys. In her spare time, Theresa enjoys gardening, cooking and eating at Baltimore’s many ethnic restaurants.

Terica Dorsey, M.S., Academic Advisor
A native of Baltimore, Terica earned her Bachelor’s degree in Technical Theatre from Lycoming College and Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from Drexel University. She has been in the higher education industry for over 15 years, serving in various roles within the Registrar’s Office, Curriculum Development, Financial Aid, and Academic Program Administration. Over the years, Terica has grown passionate about student engagement—particularly with students in online distance degree programs. Terica enjoys seeing Broadway shows, live concerts and going to the movies.

Kristal Bent, M.S., Academic Advisor
Since 2007, Kristal has worked extensively in both online and community college institutions specializing in records, registration & degree audits. She holds a B.A. in International Studies from Notre Dame of Maryland University and a M.S. in Social Science with an emphasis in Global Analysis from Towson University. In her spare time, she enjoys going to the movies, sketching, and painting.
Students in the PhD programs are assigned Faculty Advisors. You should meet with your Faculty Advisor once per semester at minimum. You can locate the name of your Faculty Advisor in SIS Self Service (under Registration -> Program of Study Info).
For general PhD program questions, students can visit or contact [email protected].
How does advising work at SON?
Students are encouraged to meet with their Advisors for support with:
Plans of study;
Future semester planning including choosing elective courses;
Study tips;
SON policies and procedures;
Program milestones;
Accessing other campus resources; and
Any issues that might affect academic performance.
Students are encouraged to reach out at any time to schedule an appointment to discuss these or any other topics.
How do I prepare for my advising session?
Review the program catalog for guidelines, forms, and other applicable documents.
Be prepared with questions about the curriculum, program/major requirements, campus resources and anything else that might need clarification.
Have a general idea about how you are performing in your current classes.
Review the online schedule for course availability and check prerequisites.
Optional (but suggested): Set an agenda for the session and send to your advisor in advance of the meeting.
Student Support Resources
There are a number of support services available at the SON. Here are some points of contact at the School who can assist you with the following topics:
- Plans of Study
- Registration Planning
- Incomplete Coursework
- Leave of Absence
- Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal Advising & Approval
- Transfer Credits
- Religious Observance Form
- Elective Course Planning
- General Program Guidance
- Assistance with DNP Project
- Orientation
- Student Clubs & Organizations
- Student Disability Services (Accommodations)
- Connection to Health/Mental Health Services
Student Enrollment and Account Management (SEAM)
- Registration
- Student Accounts
- Financial Aid