Institute for Policy Solutions at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
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About the Institute

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Nurses are the oxygen of the health system. With insight into the systems that deliver care and impact health, as well as what matters to patients, families and communities, nurses are uniquely positioned to navigate systems of power. The Institute is nurse-led and focused on solutions to eliminate health inequities and optimize health for everyone in this country — no matter background or geography. The Institute has two main objectives:

1. To achieve better health outcomes for the United States and the world, the Institute will create policy pathways for scaling and spreading diverse, innovative and impactful models of care.  

2. To elevate the policy, communications and media culture around nursing, the Institute will serve as a resource center where policymakers and news outlets can routinely seek nurses’ input.   

The Institute for Policy Solutions at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing takes an interdisciplinary, cross-university approach through collaborative discovery, design and dialogue. Institute scholars and researchers will develop and test practical new approaches and solutions that can translate to practice and policy change.