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Student Funding Opportunities for Academic Year 2023-2024
Dean Patricia Davidson established The Dean’s Travel and Conference Fund to provide financial assistance for current, full-time students traveling for approved conference, research, and clinical opportunities. Applications are reviewed monthly and students are considered for award amounts as outlined below. Awards are based on availability of funding.
Thank you for your interest in obtaining financial support from the Dean’s Travel Fund. “Applications are now being accepted for conferences. Due to the University’s current travel guidelines, virtual conferences are preferred, if/when possible.”
Travel Purpose | Domestic (maximum award) | International (maximum award) |
Conference (1 to 2 days) | $300 | $400 |
Conference/Clinicals/Research (3 to 7 days) | $400 | $600 |
Clinicals/Research (8 days to 4 weeks) | $500 | $800 |
Clinicals/Research (> 4 weeks) | $600 | $1000 |
Dean’s Conference and Travel Fund Reporting Requirements
In order to be reimbursed ALL students awarded funding must complete the following steps:
1. Fill out an Expense Reimbursement Form and submit original detailed receipts within 30 days of returning from travel
2. Provide your JHSON personnel number if you have one
If you do not know it, log into using your JHED ID and password. Choose HR from the choices on the left, then ESS. Choose Payroll Information, Pay Statement, and click on any pay statement to find your Employee Number also referred to as your Personnel Number.
If you do not have a personnel number provide a complete mailing address where you would like your check to be mailed.
3. Attach your original detailed receipts (hotel receipts should include hotel folio)
With your detailed receipts, include credit card statement(s) or cancelled check(s) showing your purchase(s).
4. Write a 300-500 word Blog Entry and provide a photo to be submitted to Marketing and Communication within 30 days of returning from travel (May be separated into multiple blog entries if it is more appropriate for your experience.)
5 Photos or videos (hi resolution photos are preferred)
Professional headshot
5. All reporting requirements must be submitted together to [email protected]
*Be sure you have included both detailed receipts and credit card statements or cancelled checks showing your purchases. Reimbursements cannot be processed without both detailed receipts and proof of payment.
*Please note: All materials may be posted on the JHSON website. Therefore, we encourage participants to produce written material that is high-quality and a product that they will be proud to display online.
You are the eyes, ears, and taste buds of many who will never set foot where you are. Please share some of the “feel” experiences of the place you have visited or served in.
What are the people like? Is the language musical? Or is there a saying locals use that sums up the experience of life there?
What and how is the food?
What are the smells that make you love the place or that are just so … different?
What does it sound like when you go to bed at night? (Animals in the trees or around the living quarters, revelry in the streets, wafting lullabies from the next tent or … silence?)
What is the lasting visual image you will take with you? (Perhaps you could attempt to capture this with a camera.)
Anna D. Wolf Fellowship Reporting Requirements
Meet all compliance requirements (i.e. uploading paperwork such as evidence of vaccinations, blood borne pathogen training, etc. by deadlines).
Fill out Expense Reimbursement Form and submit receipts within 30 days of return.
Write a 300-500 word blog post and provide a photo to be submitted to Marketing and Communications within 30 days of return.
Fulfill the requirements of the Anna D. Wolf Fellowship if selected for this (see application)
Reimbursements will not be processed until reporting requirements are complete.
All reimbursement documents must be submitted at one time.
Anna D. Wolf Leadership Fellowship (five $1,000 Fellowships per year)
Purpose of the Fellowship
To develop international nursing leadership skills and abilities. Fellows—Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) students undertaking international learning trips sponsored by the Academic Affairs Department—have leadership responsibilities that involve analyzing the international nursing experience and preparing orientation materials for the next students who will be assigned to the site.
Nursing pioneer Anna D. Wolf (1890-1985) was a 1915 graduate of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses and an early international traveler. Her appreciation for education and devotion to duty took her to China, where in 1919, she became the founding dean of the first college-level nursing program in China at Peking Union Medical College. She returned to East Baltimore in 1940 and served as the superintendent of nurses and principal of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses.
Wolf was adamant: “If we want professional status, we have to have a baccalaureate degree.” Her vision set the course for what would become our current JHSON. Meanwhile, she went to work steamrolling outdated curricula and “military etiquette” at the hospital that, for example, ordered nurses to stand out of respect whenever a doctor entered their station. Nurses were too busy with patient care for such rules, she argued, removing non-medical bookkeeping duties from their chores for the same reason.
Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell is the current Anna D. Wolf Chair at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing: “I have learned that Anna D. Wolf broke new ground in many ways, including challenging the status quo in nursing education and nursing practice and bringing science-based nursing to other cultures. I am proud to hold the Anna D. Wolf chair because of her pioneering work and I am sure that she would be proud that more of our Hopkins Nursing students will be able to complete this international nursing leadership fellowship in her name.”
Hopkins Nursing is proud to provide these awards in Wolf’s memory.
The Anna D. Wolf Fellow is the JHSON student representative at the assigned international site. The fellow will meet in advance of the trip with the faculty member assigned to oversee the international experience and obtain guidance on any specific duties that may include but not be limited to providing the faculty member with:
Due Two Weeks Prior to Travel:
A summary paper of no more than 3 pages, single-spaced, typed with references:
1. An economic, political, social/cultural, and health profile of the country to be visited.
Identify the economic strength of the country compared to other countries.
Describe the political system in the country.
Identify common elements of the culture of the country.
Identify the mortality rate for the entire country and by sex.
Identify the leading causes of death.
Describe the health care system.
Possible sources of information:
World Health Organization
Due During the International Placement
A report on the experience addressing the following topics (all page limits for the assignments below are single-spaced):
2. Practice Setting (2 pages)
Describe the institution/organization where care was delivered (number of hospital beds if a hospital, persons cared for annually, most common conditions treated.
Describe nursing and the status of nursing in the organization, the most common educational background of nurses, and the role of the nurse.
Infection control practices compared to your other experiences at clinical sites in the U.S.
Any ethical issues encountered such as disparities in treatment among patients served or requests to act outside the scope of your student role.
Any recommendations for changing this clinical experience and rationale.
3. Housing and Experience Outside the Practice Setting (2 pages)
Critique the housing you used during your stay. Was it safe, clean, with easy transportation or within walking distance to practice setting?
How would you advise future students traveling to this site about the housing and cultural experiences outside the practice setting
Were you adequately prepared to live within the culture?
Did you experience any ethical issues outside the practice setting during your stay?
Any recommendations for changing the housing accommodations or transportation used by students?
Due One Week After Returning from the international Experience
4. Typed Orientation Brief for future students traveling to this site (2 pages)
Summarize information from items 1-3 above
Practice site, nursing practice, and patient care.
Housing, transportation, and safety outside the practice site.
Cultural/ethical issues.
Important learning experiences that you recommend future students pursue while there.