

The Pre-Award phase

Pre-Award refers to “NEW” funded or non-funded proposals, collaborations, or agreements that require institutional approval to receive funds from or collaborate with an external entity outside the institution or to track an internal award stemming from internal University funds.

Pre-award also includes assistance with NDA’s, MOU’s, DUA’s, Consulting agreements, and other unfunded agreements requiring institutional signatures.

  • Your ITS will be assigned an analyst who will guide you through the process, and help coordinate with other internal and external offices as needed.
  • Your Internal Scientific Review will be scheduled if applicable.
  • Carefully read through the Program Announcement
  • Mark the due date/deadline
  • Call the Program Officer cited in the Announcement for guidance as needed
  • Meet with your analyst as soon as you can
  • Obtain prior approvals
  • Follow the checklist and timelines provided by your analyst specific to your funding mechanism
  • At minimun all submissions should include, statement of work or project narrative to be approved by JHURA; For a complete list of materials review your funding opportunity and checklist provided by your analyst. It could include other items such as: Biosketch
  • Budget (what is allowable vs. unallowable)
  • Budget Justification
  • Project Narrative
  • References
  • Appendix, if applicable
  • Project Description

Proposal Submission Workflow