Why use Qualitative Research Methods ?
- To develop a deep understanding of a topic
- To highlight voices and experiences often missing from our knowledge base
- To explore topics that do not have instruments or measures
- To analyze thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
- To develop explanatory models and theories
Qualitative Core’s Goals When Working With You
- Enhance the rigor, transparency and credibility of your study
- Ensure the design is appropriate for the study aims
- Best practices for collaboration, partnership and co-design with community partners
- Appropriate and rigorous analytical plan (including member checking, peer review, or validation where appropriate)
- Philosophical approach
- Methodology and research design
- Specific aims
- Sampling plan (information power/data sufficiency/data saturation)
- Data collection plan
- Data management
- Dissemination
- As a member of the DSMB
- Consult with a member of the qualitative core before making changes and hoping for the best
- If qualitative core members are active collaborators on the project, they can sometimes see trouble ahead and help to prevent or alleviate it
Start Working With Us Early During Proposal Development!
- Early in proposal development stage is the best
- Studies have problems, that is OK
- Definitely consult with a member of the qualitative core before making changes and hoping for the best
- If qualitative core members are active collaborators on the project, they can sometimes see trouble ahead and help to prevent or alleviate it
- Involve us in philosophical approach, methodology, design, community engagement, and data management approach
- We are an important part of the DSMB
How To Get In Touch With Us
If you would like to talk with a member of the qualitative core, please email: [email protected]
To request a Qualitative Core Consultation, please select this link and complete the request form:

Martha Abshire Saylor
Study Design/Methodology:
- Qualitative description,
Data Collection:
- Semi-structured interviews,
- Content and thematic analysis
- Use of photographs to enhance qualitative analysis
Specialist Content Areas
- Cardiac conditions
- Caregiving,
- Dyadic experience of advanced illness
- Dementia,
- End of life,
- Heart failure,
- Shared decision making

Study Design/Methodology:
- Focus group methodology
Data Analysis:
- Content analysis
- Narrative analysis
- Thematic analysis
Specialist Content Areas
- Activity-space
- Community-engaged research
- Gender-based violence
- Intimate partner violence
- Intersectionality
- Mental health
- Syndemics
- Social networks
- Women’s health

Study Design/Methodology:
- Community engaged research
- Grounded Theory,
- Ethnography
- Qualitative, multiple method, and mixed methods proposals
Data Collection:
- Evaluation of consent for potentially cognitively impaired study participants
Data Analysis:
- Secondary analysis of qualitative data
- Qualitative analysis
Specialist Content Areas
- Aging
- Long-term care
- Workforce

Catherine Ling
Study Design/Methodology
- Educational pedagogy;
- Photovoice in education
- Qualitative methods in clinical practice settings for QI;
Data Analysis
- Narrative analysis
- Thematic analysis
Specialist Content Areas
- Community programming
- Military/Veterans and families;
- Primary care
- School Health

Study Design/Methodology
- Case Study Design,
- Grounded Theory
- Interview Protocol Design Phenomenology
Data Collection
- Focus Groups
- Data Analysis Coding
Specialist Content Areas
- Ableism
- Health Equity
- Identity Construction (i.e. race, gender, sexuality, class, etc.)
- Social Determinants of Health
- Universal Health Access

Janiece L. Taylor
Study Design/Methodology:
- Qualitative Description;
Data Collection:
- Focus groups;
- Qualitative methods for research with older adults
Data Analysis:
- Narrative analysis;
- Saturation across qualitative methodologies
Specialist Content Areas
- Disability
- Equity
- Pain,
- Older adults
- Women’s health

Jennifer A. Wenzel
Study Design/Methodology:
- Hermeneutic phenomenology;
- Mixed methods;
- Qualitative description;
Data Collection:
- Individual and focus group interviews;
- Data Analysis: Program evaluation
Specialist Content Areas
- Cancer:
- Survivorship,
- Treatment
- Decision-making,
- Dyadic interventions;
- Health disparities

Rebecca J. Wright
Study Design/Methodology:
- Experience Based Co Design
- Participatory Action Research
- Co-Design
- Delphi Methodology
- Patient/caregiver/community & non-health partner engagement
- Recruitment & retention strategies
- Sampling (information power, data sufficiency & saturation);
- Strategies & innovation in qualitative approaches across wide variety of populations and settings
Data Collection:
- Film & photovoice;
- Narrative & semi-structured interviewing techniques
- Workshops & focus groups
Data Analysis
- Framework analysis
- Thematic analysis
- Reflexive thematic analysis
Specialist Content Areas
- Caregivers/care partners/Family
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion with an Intersectional focus,
- Nursing Research
- Palliative & End of Life Care
- Settings: Emergency department, ICU, Clinic, Community
- Populations: Broad palliative care needs, Older adults, Racial/Ethnic/Nationality tailoring, ALS, Wounds,
- Wound care
Role of Co-Investigator on the proposal
- Qualitative Core Expert role in proposal development
- Align aims, methods, and analyses
- Guidance on piloting interview/focus groups topic guide, if needed
- Support identification of required sample size for study purpose
- Write the analysis section of proposals
- Review the budget to ensure support for data management, data cleaning, and analyses
Role of Consultant on the proposal
- Qualitative Core Expert role in proposal development
- Align aims, methods, and analyses
- Guidance on piloting interview/focus groups topic guide, if needed
- Support identification of required sample size for study purpose
- Support development of the analysis section of proposals
- Review the budget to ensure support for data management, data cleaning, and analyses
- We are able to help depending on the scope of the request
- Best approach
- Meet with Qualitative Core Expert to discuss what is needed, devise analysis plan, and timeline
- Work will be assigned to a Qualitative Core member based on interest, expertise, and workload
- Depending on the amount involvement in the project, the Qualitative Core Expert may be considered for co-authorship
Support can be requested for consultation on manuscript response to reviewers, if needed.
- During the semesters, the Qualitative Core holds an in-person Qualitative Research Methods Data Drop in Clinic.
- This clinic is for doctoral students who are working on qualitative research within their doctoral studies who have questions or are needing supporting in any of the following:
- Methodology
- Design
- Data Collection
- Data Analysis
- Technical Aspects
- Collaboration/Participant Involvement/Inclusion
- The date and time are subject to change based on new semesters and Qualitative Core Expert availability – doctoral students will receive email updates with information in addition to the website.
- For the Spring 2024 semester, the drop-in clinic runs on:
- When: Fridays, 12:00pm-1:30pm
- Where: JHSON S405
- This clinic is for doctoral students who are working on qualitative research within their doctoral studies who have questions or are needing supporting in any of the following:
- PhD NRSA Proposal Support
- Student works with one Qualitative Core member on the proposal
- The Student, Adviser, and Qualitative Core Expert reach agreed upon aims, research design, and analysis plan
- Help with sample size, writing of the analysis section
- Need to begin working together at least 45 days prior to the submission date
- PhD Dissertation
- Goal is to have students participate in the data management training and working group so they can do their own data management under guidance
- If analyses are complex, it is recommended a Biostatistics Core member is on the committee
- If no biostatistician on the PhD committee, Biostatistics Core will provide basic consultation
- DNP Students
- The DNP program has statistical support integrated into the course of study. DNP students should direct requests for statistical support to the faculty for 817 and/or 818 and their DNP advisors
To be discussed as per project need, but can include:
- Train project staff in data management, data collection, and data analysis, and rigor in the associated qualitative research method.
- Hold as needed or regular working group of project staff to discuss issues in recruitment, retention, and data management
- Hold as needed, or regular sessions to support data analysis and coding process.
Guidance and support in building, growing and sustaining relationships and partnerships with community groups and individuals
- Best practices for Advisory Groups
- Best practices for including community members as co-investigators, consultants, and co-authors
- Support for tailoring approaches to different populations, different settings, and different methodological approaches
- Available to 1-2 students over a two-semester timeframe, who:
- Have demonstrated experience with qualitative data management, data collection, and data analysis.
OR - Wish to gain hands-on experience
- Involvement could satisfy a Research Residency
- Have demonstrated experience with qualitative data management, data collection, and data analysis.
- After completing a brief interview, students are assigned to a project and mentored by a Qualitative Core Expert
Involvement includes:
- Students and Qualitative Core meet together to discuss ongoing projects
- Preparation and presentation of a qualitative training session (topic TBD)
- Observe and help respond to Qualitative Core requests
- Attend and support the weekly Qualitative Core doctoral drop in clinic
- Support administrative running of the core
- Students may be able to help with analyses of manuscripts and presentations when there is no funding available
Date | Workshop |
4/11/2024 | Workshop Title: Improving the study trustworthiness using the COREQ: A gendered case example Speaker/s: Quanlei Li, PhD, MPH, MSN, BSN, RN Link & Passcode: Wright |
09/06/2023 | Workshop Title: Developing a Qualitative Proposal Speaker/s: Dr Catherine Ling, Dr Janiece Taylor, Dr Jennifer Wenzel, Dr Rebecca Wright Link & Passcode |
06/21/2023 | Workshop Title: Lessons Learned From The Field: A Panel Discussion with Qualitative Investigators Speaker/s: Dr Catherine Ling, Dr Janiece Taylor, Dr Jennifer Wenzel, Dr Rebecca Wright Link & Passcode: |
04/05/2023 | Workshop Title: Increasing Rigor in Qualitative Sampling Approaches: Saturation & Information Power Speaker/s: Dr Rebecca Wright Link & Passcode: *20baY1T |
Date | Workshop |
TBD | Workshop Title: Is This About What I Think or What They Think? Rigor Across Different Approaches in Qualitative Data Analysis. Speaker/s: Dr Rebecca Wright |
TBD | Workshop Title: Refining Qualitative Data Collection Skills: Semi-Structured interviews, Narrative interviews, and Focus group. Speaker/s: Dr Rebecca Wright |
TBD | Workshop Title: Supporting Your Team and Participants While Working with Important and Challenging Topics in Qualitative Research: Dynamics, Risks, and Strategies. Speakers/s: |
TBD | Workshop Title: Identifying & Managing Risks in Qualitative Research: Planning Ahead, Navigating the IRB, and Protecting Participants Speaker/s: Panel Discussion with Qualitative Core Members (moderator TBD) |
TBD | Workshop Title: Recruitment, Retention, and Relationship: Strategies for Maintaining Participant Engagement in Qualitative Research Speaker/s: Panel Discussion with Qualitative Core Members (Moderator TBD) |
TBD | Workshop Title: Strategies for Ethical Conduct in Qualitative Research Speaker/s: |
TBD | Workshop Title: Strategies for Selecting Your Approach and Methodology in Qualitative Research Speaker/s: |
TBD | Workshop Title: Revisiting Sample Size in Qualitative Research – Worked Examples of Information Power, Data Sufficiency, and Data Saturation Speaker/s: Dr Rebecca Wright |