Tonya Schneidereith is an Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. She began her career as a Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurse before transitioning to caring for children and families in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. She received her NP education in both Pediatric Primary and Acute Care and established the role as one of the country’s first Pediatric Critical Care Nurse Practitioners. Dr. Schneidereith has used her medication safety research, notably through Google glass technology, to transform curricula and identify teaching methods associated with dosage calculation success. She is also known internationally as an innovative champion of simulation-based education. Alongside her peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, she authored the Thomas Sykes unfolding pediatric cases for the National League for Nursing’s (NLN) Advancing Care Excellence series, served as Associate Editor for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Simulation Guidelines and Best Practices for Nurse Practitioner Programs, and created and edited the 2020 Annual Review of Nursing Research: Healthcare Simulation. Dr. Schneidereith was trained as an Advanced Instructor through the Center for Medical Simulation and is one of a select number internationally-designated as Advanced Healthcare Simulation Educators (CHSE-A). She received her BSN from Florida State University, her MSN from the University of Pennsylvania, her MBA from the University of Maryland, and her PhD from Johns Hopkins University. She holds certifications as a Pediatric Primary Care (PPCNP-BC) and Pediatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (CPNP-AC), and Certified Nurse Educator (CNE). She is a Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education (ANEF), the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), and was the first nurse in Maryland to be inducted into the interdisciplinary Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy (FSSH).

Tonya Schneidereith
Specialties and Expertise
- Acute/Critical Care