
The Resilient Nurse podcast is a special series within the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing’s On the Pulse podcast. Hosted by Nancy Reller, the podcast discusses tools and practices nursing faculty, students, and new nurses are using to renew and amplify their resilience. Each episode will cover the complexities, misconceptions, and new pathways toward keeping our nursing workforce resilient throughout Maryland and beyond.

The Resilient Nurse podcast

Moral Resilience

Learn More about the R³ – the Renewal, Resilience and Retention of Maryland Nurses Initiative

Podcast Episodes

Slow Talk

In this episode, Dr. Cynda Rushton and guest, Lucas Welch, discuss the Slow Talk platform. Slow Talk is a place for front-line workers to engage with peers in candid real-time conversations about vital topics that need to be discussed openly & safely.

Meaningful Recognition

While nursing is one of the most rewarding professions, it is also one of the most challenging, which can lead nurses to feel underappreciated and resentful. Practicing meaningful recognition in the workplace creates a greater sense of fulfillment, retention, and resilience. Guest Dr. Cynthia Sweeney, Vice President Emeritus for Nursing at the DAISY Foundation, and Dr. Cynda Rushton talk about it in the latest episode of the Resilient Nurse podcast.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

Burnout Among Nurses… and Health System Leaders

Burnout is pervasive today, not just among nurses but among health care executives as well. Guest Liz Boehm, executive strategist at Stryker, and Dr. Cynda Rushton talk about it in the latest episode of the Resilient Nurse podcast.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

What Builds Trust? What Breaks It?

Guest Michelle Reina, PhD, co-founder and chief trust building officer of Reina Trust Building and Dr. Cynda Rushton talk about how trust with nurses is built or broken. They make the unconscious elements of trust… conscious.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

How to Support Nurses in a Challenging Moment

Guest Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN, Senior Vice President and Director of the AARP Public Policy Institute and Dr. Cynda Rushton talk about how we can support nurses at a challenging moment. Nurses across the country are exhausted, discouraged and are leaving their roles or the profession in droves. We can show nurses we appreciate them.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

Read more:

Ten Things You Can Do to Support Nurses

Nursing’s Opportunity Is Now

Guest Karen Doyle, Senior Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer at the University of Maryland Medical Center, discusses a number of issues from workplace violence, building resilience in nurses, and the impact of the R3 tools.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience. 

Nurse Residency Programs

Jennifer S. Zipp, executive director of the Maryland Nurse Residency Collaborative, and Sarah Steward, a nurse residency program coordinator, discuss nurse residency programs in Maryland, how they facilitate development of new-to-practice nurses, and their personal hopes for the future of the profession. 

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience. 

Overcoming Incivility

Johns Hopkins School of Nursing student Ali Lose shares her experience participating in the “Incivility Simulation,” which teaches students how to confront incivility in the workplace.

The Incivility Simulation was developed by the R3 Initiative and is available on the R3 website. 

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience. 

The State of Resilience in Our Nation’s Nurses

Over half of nurses say they are exhausted with many contemplating leaving the workforce. National nursing leader Susan Hassmiller discusses the current climate and some strategies that can help clinicians find success, feel supported, and continue the profession they love.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

Listen to Episode 4 Podcast

Podcast Transcript

Speaking Up With Integrity

Episode 3 of The Resilient Nurse discusses how nurses can identify their values, speak up with integrity, and use resilience to remain empowered.

Featured guests include Jennifer Dalton, an R3 Champion and Simulation Manager at the University of Maryland School of Nursing at the Universities at Shady Grove campus, and Selena St. Jules, a nursing student at the University of Maryland Baltimore.

The Resilient Nurse is a special series within the On the Pulse podcast. This podcast discusses the complexities, misconceptions, and pathways toward keeping a resilient workforce; and shares tools and practices nurses can use to renew and amplify their resilience.

Listen to Episode 3 Podcast

Podcast Transcript

“What’s On Your Plate” – A Time Management Tool for Students and Nurses

On Episode 2, host Nancy Reller talks with Stephanie Kratzen, an associate professor of nursing at the Community College of Baltimore County. They discuss the resilience tool “What’s On Your Plate,” which helps students and nurses explore their responsibilities and self-reflect on how they can better manage their time to reach their goals. 

Listen to Episode 2 Podcast

Podcast Transcript

Harnessing Nurses’ Resilience

On Episode 1, host Nancy Reller speaks with clinical ethics expert Cynda Rushton about R3 —the Renewal, Resilience and Retention of Maryland Nurses Initiative—and how the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the resilience of the nursing workforce for the future. Cynda Rushton is Anne and George L. Bunting Professor of Clinical Ethics at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and Chief Synergy Strategist of the R3 Resilient Nurses Initiative. 

Listen to Episode 1 Podcast

Podcast References and Resources