Career Lab
Questions? Our dedicated team is here to help.
The Career Lab fosters exploration and learning related to professional development—a lifelong journey that requires continual CARE. The Career Lab creates opportunities for students and alumni to:Connect with your peers, alumni, staff, and faculty to engage in a nursing community that inspires you to discover possibilities.
Activate your knowledge, skills, and passion to take next steps forward in pursuing the best fit for where you are in this moment.
Reflect on your present and past experiences and stay open to opportunities as you imagine the future.
Evolve by remaining curious and agile as you explore options that promote continued professional growth.
Questions? Our dedicated team is here to help!
Pinkard N230
Office of Integrative Learning and Life Design
The Career Lab is part of the JHU-wide Office of Integrative Learning and Life Design.

#1 DNP, #1 Master’s Program
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“I visited the career lab website to find resources and scheduled a meeting. They were incredibly helpful in guiding me, polishing up my resume, and providing tips for creating my bio. The resources from the career lab have been instrumental in helping me create a strong resume and bio to prepare me for my future career. I appreciate that I can always contact the Career Lab to schedule a meeting at a convenient time for their assistance. I will definitely recommend them to my fellow graduate students.”Rosaline Owusu, DNP/MPH ‘25
“The Career Lab was amazing in helping me get the job I had been eyeing since long before nursing school! I was able to review my cover letter and resume, as well as hone my interview skills, making me much more confident going into the application process. Whether you have an idea of where you want to work or not, the Career Lab works with you through the process and supports the aspirations you may already have. Start with the Career Lab whenever you feel ready to dive into thinking about post-nursing school life — for some, that may be first semester; for me, I procrastinated a bit, and it was fifth semester (and that’s ok!) — and they will be ready to help you at any point in the process! ”Celeste Burke-Conte, MSN Entry ‘24
“From the moment I had my first meeting with Ms. Rachel Wobrak, she was super patient and detailed as she went through my resume and made notes on what I should change as well as what I could highlight even better. I also remember seeing her at the Career Fair and speaking briefly with her prior to approaching potential employers and her words gave me another confident boost. A strong support system is indeed a key to achieving many things and I am forever grateful to the entire Career Lab team at JHUSON for being a solid part of my support system throughout my journey at Hopkins. ”Adebola Owolabi, MSN Entry ‘24
“The career lab is filled with so many resources that can help you navigate the stressful process of trying to find a job. From resume building skills to mock interviews the career lab helped me get a new graduate job in the NICU! ”Brianna Hardy, MSN Entry ‘23