Home / Programs / Online Prerequisites for Health Professions / Prerequisite Course Textbook Purchasing


All of the prerequisite courses that we offer require students to purchase course materials in order to follow along with the instruction and complete coursework. Some of our prerequisite courses also require that students purchase access to an additional online platform*, which may contain lab simulations or additional graded assessments. Please follow the directions below to ensure that you have the correct materials prior to the start of your classes.

*Note: More information regarding the functionality and usage of these platforms/programs will be found in your online classroom in Canvas. However, your online classroom will not be available until one week prior to the beginning of the semester.

Nutrition (NR.110.200)

Please use the ISBN numbers listed below when purchasing or renting the required textbooks to ensure that you have the correct materials prior to the start of your classes.

ISBN-10: 0357727614
ISBN-13: 9780357727614
Sizer, F., & Whitney, E. (2023). Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies. (16 ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning

Human Growth and Development Through the Lifespan (NR.110.201)

Please use the ISBN numbers listed below when purchasing or renting the required textbooks to ensure that you have the correct materials prior to the start of your classes.

ISBN-10: 1259708861
ISBN-13: 9781259708862
Martorell, G. (2019). Life: The Essentials of Human Development. 1st Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Biostatistics (NR.110.202)

Students must purchase access to Macmillan’s Achieve platform for this course. Achieve access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to Achieve. This  will include electronic access to the textbook and supplemental learning material. If you wish to also have a physical copy of the textbook, that will need to be purchased separately using the information found below.

When you purchase Achieve access through the Canvas course site, you will be granted access to an electronic version of the textbook, hosted on the VitalSource platform. If you do not yet have a VitalSource account, please sign up for one using your JHU email account for continuity across platforms. If you would also like a hardcopy version of the textbook, that would need to be purchased separately using the information found below.

If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to Achieve from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

Baldi, B. and Moore, D. (2018). Practice of statistics in the life Sciences (4th ed.). New York, NY. W.H. Freeman and Company. (ACHIEVE)


Microbiology with Lab (NR.110.203)

Students must purchase access to McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform for this course. Connect access includes electronic access to the textbook, as well as access to the lab simulations and supplemental learning material. If you would also like to purchase a hard copy version of the textbook, the ISBN information can also be found under Additional Textbook Information listed below.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. Connect access should not be purchased through any third-party sellers, as we cannot guarantee that it will allow you access to the appropriate content once you get access to your Canvas classroom.

If you do not know your course section, log in to the Student Information System to verify your enrollment.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options, under the Digital tab — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to Connect from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

Access to Connect is valid for one year, but if you purchase it to enroll in Connect for Anatomy with Lab and/or Physiology with Lab, your Connect access does not extend to Microbiology with Lab — this will need to be purchased for the course, using your already existing Connect account.

To verify the length of access log in to Connect, click “My Account” at the top right, then select the “Products” tab. Your active registrations will appear along with the expiration date.

Once you purchase Connect access via the appropriate section code above, you will be able to purchase a discounted loose-leaf copy of the course text via a link found in the Connect system under ‘Course materials.’ If you prefer to purchase a hard copy version of the textbook instead, the ISBN information is as follows:

Required: Textbook
ISBN-10: 1260258998 / ISBN-13: 9781260258998
Cowan, M. K. (2021). Microbiology: a Systems Approach (6th. ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education

Anatomy with Lab (NR.110.204)

Students must purchase access to McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform for this course. Connect access includes electronic access to the textbook, as well as access to the APR 4.0 Lab tool and supplemental learning material. Access to the APR 4.0 Workbook is not included with Connect access, and will need to be purchased separately using the ISBN information found under Additional Textbook/Workbook Information listed below.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. Connect access should not be purchased through any third-party sellers, as we cannot guarantee that it will allow you access to the appropriate content once you get access to your Canvas classroom.

If you do not know your course section, log in to the Student Information System to verify your enrollment.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options, under the Digital tab — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to Connect from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

Access to Connect is valid for one year, but if you purchase it to enroll in Connect for Anatomy with Lab and/or Physiology with Lab, your Connect access does not extend to Microbiology with Lab — this will need to be purchased for the course, using your already existing Connect account.

To verify the length of access log in to Connect, click “My Account” at the top right, then select the “Products” tab. Your active registrations will appear along with the expiration date.

Once you purchase Connect access via the appropriate section code above, you will be able to purchase a discounted loose-leaf copy of the course text via a link found in the Connect system under ‘Course materials.’ If you prefer to purchase a hard copy version of the textbook instead, the ISBN information is as follows:

Saladin, K. S. (2023) Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
ISBN10: 1265328625 | ISBN13: 9781265328627

Access to Anatomy & Physiology Revealed 4.0 (APR): This program will be used mainly for the lab portion of the course. Access to APR is included in McGraw-Hill Connect Plus described above. You do not need to purchase a separate access card for this program.

To purchase the APR 4.0 Workbook, the ISBN information is as follows:

Broyles, R. (2020) Workbook to accompany Anatomy & Physiology Revealed Version 4.0. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
 1264240481/ ISBN-13: 9781264240487 / or e-book: Go to https://create.mheducation.com/shop/, search for and select book by ISBN: 9781307587609

Physiology with Lab (NR.110.205)

Students must purchase access to McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform for this course. Connect access includes electronic access to the textbook, as well as access to the lab simulations and supplemental learning material.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. Connect access should not be purchased through any third-party sellers, as we cannot guarantee that it will allow you access to the appropriate content once you get access to your Canvas classroom.

If you do not know your course section, log in to the Student Information System to verify your enrollment.

McGraw-Hill Connect access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to McGraw-Hill Connect. If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options, under the Digital tab — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to Connect from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

If you have previously purchased McGraw-Hill Connect access for Anatomy (NR.110.204), you will use the same textbook for Physiology. Students with active McGraw-Hill Connect accounts should enroll in their new courses by following the instructions found in the classroom, when it is made available.

Access to Connect is valid for one year, but if you purchase it to enroll in Connect for Anatomy with Lab and/or Physiology with Lab, your Connect access does not extend to Microbiology with Lab — this will need to be purchased for the course, using your already existing Connect account.

To verify the length of access log in to Connect, click “My Account” at the top right, then select the “Products” tab. Your active registrations will appear along with the expiration date.

Once you purchase Connect access via the appropriate section code above, you will be able to purchase a discounted loose-leaf copy of the course text via a link found in the Connect system under ‘Course materials.’ If you prefer to purchase a hard copy version of the textbook instead, the ISBN information is as follows:

Saladin, K. S. (2023) Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function, 10th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
ISBN10: 1265328625 | ISBN13: 9781265328627

Chemistry with Lab (NR.110.206)

Students must purchase access to Macmillan’s Achieve platform for this course in order to complete homework, as well as access to the lab simulations on Labster, to complete lab assignments. Both Achieve and Labster access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to Achieve and Labster. For this course, Achieve access does not automatically include access to the electronic textbook, but you are given the option to purchase it at the same time that you purchase access to Achieve. If you prefer a hard copy of the text, you can supplement your purchase of Achieve by purchasing a hard copy of the text using the information found below.

For this course, students will need Achieve Access. Achieve access for this course does not include access to an electronic version of the textbook, but you will be given the option to purchase access to that electronic version after purchasing access to Achieve. Achieve access can only be purchased when you are granted access to the course site in Canvas.  If you prefer to have a hardcover version of the textbook instead of the electronic version, you may purchase that using the ISBN information found below.

If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to Achieve from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

Guinn, D. (2019). Essentials of General, Organic, and Biochemistry (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Macmillan Learning/W.H. Freeman.

Hard copy textbook

ISBN: 9781319464547        

Note: If you have previously purchased access for another course, you will still need to purchase access for this course, as Achieve access is only good for a 6-month period and is specific to the course you purchase access to.

When you purchase Achieve access, you will also be given the option to purchase access to an electronic version of the textbook, hosted on the VitalSource platform. If you choose to purchase access to this electronic version, you will need a VitalSource account. If you do not yet have a VitalSource account, please sign up for one using your JHU email account for continuity across platforms.

Students will also need access to the Labster platform in order to complete the required lab assignments for this course and the lab fee for Labster is $75. The school will assign students Labster access. Students will access Labster through their Canvas course. Labster will generally be available the first day of each semester.

Biochemistry with Lab (NR.110.207)

Students must purchase access to WileyPlus platform for this course. WileyPlus access includes electronic access to the textbook, as well as access to the ORION Adaptive Practice for supplemental learning material. WileyPlus access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to WileyPlus. Textbook access should not be purchased through any third-party sellers, as we cannot guarantee that it will allow you access to the appropriate content once you get access to your Canvas classroom.

If you do not know your course section, log in to the Student Information System to verify your enrollment.

WileyPlus access cannot be purchased until you are granted access to your Canvas course site, which occurs one week before the semester begins. Once you are able to enter the Canvas course site, you can follow the instructions found in the Syllabus & Course Info area to purchase access to WileyPlus. If you would like to review the cost of this platform, please see the publisher’s purchasing options, under the Digital tab — as a reminder, you should not purchase access to WileyPlus from this link or any other third-party sellers. It should only be purchased from the link provided in your online classroom.

Access to WileyPlus is valid for one term.

Students will also need access to the Labster platform in order to complete the required lab assignments for this course and the lab fee for Labster is $75. The school will assign students Labster access. Students will access Labster through their Canvas course. Labster will generally be available the first day of each semester.


  • Top-ranked Nursing School
  • Affordable
  • An introduction to the excellence of a Johns Hopkins education
  • Health-focused perspective delivered through a facilitated teaching approach (participatory, interactive, engaging)
  • Instructor led, online convenience
  • 11-week format

Every nursing school has entrance requirements that are a little different, but for the most part, prerequisites for nursing school are similar. Here are prerequisites offered at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing:

* Virtual labs are accepted at Hopkins Nursing, but not everywhere. Check your university and state licensure requirements for prerequisite courses.

* §  Offered but not required for the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing MSN Entry into Nursing program.

The short answer is yes! Prospective students pursuing any discipline in need of supplemental coursework can now take instructor-led, undergraduate-level prerequisites all online at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Always speak directly with the program/school at which you are applying to confirm, but our courses are designed to align with requirements for other health programs like:

  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Physical Therapy (PT)
  • Physician Assistant (PA)
  • Pharmacist
  • Pre-Med

Prerequisite Info Session and Virtual Classroom Tour, August 14, 2023.

Watch video demo of virtual classroom and labs.

For further information regarding required materials for all courses, please visit the Prerequisite Textbook Information page.

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