Posted: 1/6/2005 Healthcare providers interested in working internationally can acquire the skills necessary through “Healthcare Professional as an International Consultant.” The interactive, six-day immersion course sponsored by the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing and JHPIEGO, allows participants to explore the roles of international consultants and network with the faculty and program staff of JHPIEGO and The Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health. These experienced professionals—who manage, implement, and develop women’s and family health international projects—will introduce participating nurses, physicians, midwives, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals to case studies featuring international development and healthcare services delivery; licensing and regulation of healthcare across the world; planning, monitoring, and evaluation in consultation; consultation management and administrative skills; and performance improvement process in international health. The course is offered for Continuing Medical Education or Continuing Education units and during 2005 will be conducted in Baltimore, MD, February 6-11, April 10-15, and August 7-12. For more information, |
Hopkins Nursing, JHPIEGO Offer Training in International Consulting