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Scholarships Allow More Nurses to Engage in e-Learning


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Posted: 1/25/2011

Funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation has allowed the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing (IJHN) to offer 270 scholarships for nurses to complete the online Guided Care Nursing Course in 2011 and 2012. Registered nurses are eligible to apply if they are working for an organization in the United States that plans to use the Guided Care model in their patient-centered medical home or accountable care organization. Each scholarship covers the full tuition of the six-week course and the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s examination leading to the Certificate on Guided Care Nursing.

“Guided Care was developed to meet the growing challenge of caring for older adults with chronic conditions and complex healthcare needs,” said IJHN executive director Jane Shivnan, MScN, RN, AOCN. “These scholarships will help us train more Guided Care nurses to work with patients and their families to improve their quality of life and make more efficient use of health services.”

The Guided Care model was developed in 2002 by a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University, led by Dr. Chad Boult of the Roger C. Lipitz Center for Integrated Health Care. In 2009, funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation helped launch the online course that became so popular additional courses were added throughout the year.

The evidence-based Guided Care Nursing course gives nurses the knowledge and skills needed to assess patient needs, monitor chronic conditions, coordinate efforts of health care providers, smooth transitions between sites of care, and educate and empower patients and families to improve health and quality of life. Participants complete about 20 hours of core content and learning activities, including six live webinars, and have access to an additional 20 hours of supplemental learning activities.  Upon completion of the course, participants are eligible to take the online examination leading to the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Certificate in Guided Care Nursing.  The next online course will begin March 7 and registration is now open.

For more information about the Guided Care model, visit www.GuidedCare.org.

For more information about the online Guided Care Course and the scholarship application process, visit www.ijhn.jhmi.edu.

About the John A. Hartford Foundation
Founded in 1929, the John A. Hartford Foundation is a committed champion of training, research, and service system innovations that promote the health and independence of America’s older adults. Through its grantmaking, the Foundation seeks to strengthen the nation’s capacity to provide effective, affordable care to this rapidly increasing older population by educating “aging-prepared” health professionals (physicians, nurses, social workers), and developing innovations that improve and better integrate health and supportive services. The Foundation was established by John A. Hartford. Mr. Hartford and his brother, George L. Hartford, both former chief executives of the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, left the bulk of their estates to the Foundation upon their deaths in the 1950’s. Additional information about the Foundation and its programs is available at www.jhartfound.org.