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Linda Rose, PhD, RN, Named Director of Nursing Baccalaureate Program


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Posted: 1/20/2006

Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing announced Associate Professor Linda Rose as the new Director of the Baccalaureate Program effective January 1, 2006. 

Dr. Rose joined the faculty of the School of Nursing (SON) in 1993 and has taught in both the baccalaureate and the doctoral programs, most recently coordinating the psychiatric mental health course and the research course in the Bachelor of Science (BS) program.  Rose also chaired the BS Curriculum Review task force, providing leadership in the subsequent revision of the curriculum implemented in the Fall of 2005.  

As a scholar educator, Rose’s area of research is patients’ and families’ coping with serious mental illnesses.  She has expertise in qualitative research and has taught those methods to doctoral students at the School of Nursing.

Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Anne E. Belcher, PhD, RN, FAAN, in announcing the appointment noted, “We are delighted to have Dr. Rose assume this important position and know that she will continue to refine the role created by Dr. Linda Pugh as the first director of the BS program here at the School of Nursing.”

Rose brings to the position a rich background of educational, clinical and leadership experience in baccalaureate nursing education. As the director, she will provide oversight for all areas of the program (curriculum, admissions, progressions) and will work closely with each course coordinator and clinical faculty.