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Hopkins Nursing Offers Intensive Humanitarian Relief Training


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Posted: 12/31/2008

Throughout the world–in the impoverished slums of India, at refugee camps in Africa, or in the aftermath of floods and tsunamis–global humanitarian relief is in great demand. Health care represents a significant part of this work, and certain skills are required.

Nursing in Global Humanitarian Relief, a one-week intensive course offered January 5-9, 2009 at The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, provides nurses those essential skills and knowledge needed to administer global relief. Sponsored by The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing and The Johns Hopkins University Schools of Nursing and Public Health, the course offers lectures, case studies, discussions, and group activities that deliver the classroom training necessary to assist underserved and displaced populations around the world.

Course topics include:
 Introduction to Disaster
 Health Care Delivery
 Food and Nutrition
 Communicable Diseases
 Reproductive Health
 Gender-Based Violence
 Environmental Health
 Mental Health Assessment in Disaster
 Personal Safety

Tuition is $1,500 as a continuing nursing education participant or $3,711 as a three-credit masters elective. To learn more, or to register, call 410-502-1897 or visit www.ijhn.jhmi.edu.