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Applications Due for Provost’s Undergraduate Research Awards


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Posted: 1/14/2002

Students hoping to earn grants for summer projects through the 2002 Provost’s Undergraduate Research Awards program must submit completed applications by March 8. Those students aiming for grants for fall semester projects must submit their applications by April 5.

Information and application materials are available on the PURA Web site at http://www.jhu.edu/pura. Applications are also available from the office of Theodore Poehler, vice provost for research, at 265 Garland Hall. For more information about the application process, call 410-516-8671.

The awards will provide a significant number of grants to current freshmen, sophomores and juniors in the schools of Arts and Sciences, Engineering and Nursing and in the Peabody Conservatory. The maximum amount of an award is $2,500. Proposals from all disciplines are encouraged. Projects may take place within any division of the university. Sponsors must be full-time faculty and can be from any division of the university.

Past awards have funded diverse projects such as “Chinese History in the 20th Century,” “The Impact of a Frontier Environment on Literature,” “Intravenous Delivery of Chitosan-Mediated Gene Therapy in Vivo” and “Exploring Russian Baroque Music for Woodwinds.”

The program was initiated in 1993 by then-provost Joseph Cooper as an effort to encourage undergraduates to engage in research activity.

“These grants build on what has always been a special strength of our undergraduate programs across the university: the opportunity for students to collaborate, at the highest intellectual level, with faculty investigators at the forefront of their fields,” says Steven Knapp, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs.