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Hopkins Nursing Professor Becomes Global Ambassador


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Posted: 1/15/2009

Jacquelyn C. Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, has been selected to join a group of 25 experts in global health research who will advocate for greater U.S. investment in global health research. They join 50 of their peers in Research!America’s Paul G. Rogers Society for Global Health Research in a united effort to build a national conversation around the value and importance of U.S. funded global heath research.

The Rogers Society, named for the Honorable Paul G. Rogers (1921-2008), former Florida Congressman, renowned champion for health research, and Research!America chair emeritus, works to increase awareness of and make the case for greater U.S. investment in research to fight diseases that disproportionately affect the worlds poorest nations.

Campbell is an expert in domestic and intimate partner violence (IPV). Her work on advocacy policy and research in the area of domestic violence is important for the health, security, and quality of life of people in Maryland and all over the nation. Her work also plays a crucial role in boosting the economy of Maryland and maintaining America’s overall competitiveness. She and her peers were selected by an advisory council comprised of renowned leaders in science, public policy, and communications, including four Nobel Laureates. Together they will meet with their policymakers to make the case for an increased U.S. investment in global health research through the examples of their own research.

“We have a new Congress and a new Administration. Now is the time when we can make a difference for global health research. These Ambassadors will be exceptional leaders in advocacy. Their example will serve as an inspiration for every global health researcher,” said the Honorable John Edward Porter, chair of the Rogers Society Advisory Council and Research!America board chair. “Paul Roger’s spirit lives on through the work of each of these Ambassadors. As he often said, without research, there is no hope.”

The Society was established in 2006 by Research!America with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Research!America works with the Ambassadors to maximize the effectiveness of their outreach to policy makers, opinion leaders and the media.

Research!America is the nation’s largest not-for-profit public education and advocacy alliance working to make research to improve health a higher national priority. Founded in 1989, it is supported by 500 member organizations, which represent more than 125 million Americans. For more information, visit www.researchamerica.org.