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Peace Corps Anniversary Marked by Director’s Visit to JHU


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Posted: 9/16/2011

Peace Corps director Aaron S. Williams will discuss the future of international public health initiatives as part of the Corps 50th anniversary celebration at theAaron Williams Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health on September 20.

“This celebration affords us a unique opportunity to reflect on half a century of volunteerism around the world, and contemplate what we will do in the next 50 years,” notes Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) instructor Lori Edwards, MPH, APRN, BC, who is director of the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program at the School. “The need for public health has never been greater, and our Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RCPVs) are able to take what they’ve learned abroad and apply it directly to local communities.”

Established in 1991, the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows program was the first baccalaureate program of its kind for RPCVs in a school of nursing in the U.S. and currently is one of only three such programs in the country. RCPVs are invited to study at Hopkins Nursing in a program that features unique opportunities through award-winning community outreach initiatives, including the Community Outreach Program in East Baltimore. In exchange for their work in community health nursing, Fellows receive financial assistance or scholarships to help cover the cost of tuition.

Since 1991, the JHUSON has graduated more than 380 RCPVs. The number of Fellows in 2010-2011 included 36 baccalaureate students participating in the program.

Williams presents, “The Next 50 Years of International Health Engagement” from 3-4 pm at the JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health, Sommer Hall, 615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205. A reception immediately follows in the Atrium (outside Sheldon Hall).

About Peace Corps Director Aaron S. Williams
Aaron S. Williams was sworn in as the eighteenth Director of the Peace Corps on August 24, 2009. Nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the U. S. Senate on August 7, 2009, Williams is the fourth director in the Peace Corps’ history to have served as a Peace Corps Volunteer.  He served as a Volunteer from 1967 to 1970, first in a training program for rural school teachers in the small town of Monte Plata, Dominican Republic, and extended his service for a third year to work as a professor of teaching methods at the Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra in Santiago. Upon completing his service, Williams became the coordinator of minority recruitment and project evaluation officer for the Peace Corps in his hometown of Chicago (1970-1971).

About the Peace Corps
President John F. Kennedy established the Peace Corps on March 1, 1961, by executive order. Throughout 2011, Peace Corps is commemorating 50 years of promoting peace and friendship around the world. Historically, more than 200,000 Americans have served with the Peace Corps to promote a better understanding between Americans and the people of 139 host countries. Today, 8,655 Volunteers are working with local communities in 76 host countries. Peace Corps Volunteers must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years of age. Peace Corps service is a 27-month commitment. Visit www.peacecorps.gov for more information.