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Hopkins Nursing Professor Named Pathfinder Distinguished Researcher


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Posted: 9/7/2006

Jacquelyn Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON), has been named the 2006 Pathfinder Distinguished Researcher by the Friends of the National Institute for Nursing Research (FNINR).  The award recognizes Campbell’s leadership in intimate partner violence (IPV) research and success in encouraging interdisciplinary concern for IPV among researchers in nursing, medicine, and public health.

Campbell is noted for major research endeavors that are now considered landmark studies in IPV research, and her publications are regularly cited in nursing and other discipline literature.  Groundbreaking research early in Campbell’s career established that women who are killed by intimate partners are most frequently seen in health care settings-rather than shelters or criminal justice programs-before they are killed.  Her later studies explored how nursing interventions in these health care settings can mediate the effects of abuse on health.

As the 2006 Pathfinder Distinguished Researcher, Campbell joins past recipients in being recognized as a nurse researcher whose body of scholarship illustrates long-standing commitment to an aspect of nursing research that has made a difference in the lives of people with health care needs.  “I’m honored to be among a cadre of such accomplished nurse investigators,” noted Campbell on learning of the award.  “We all share a commitment to research that ultimately improves health care.   A driving force behind my work has been to ensure that people get the help that they need to improve their safety, health, and well being.”  

“In being chosen for this award, Dr. Campbell joins a most distinguished group of premier nurse scientists,” notes Dean Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, FAAN. “And she is certainly deserving of the recognition.  Dr. Campbell has paved the way in having nursing research related to domestic violence against women recognized by other disciplines, and she has been a true pioneer in showing others how to do this research well and how to interpret very sensitive findings. In these ways her nursing science is influencing health care globally.”

In her role as the 2005-2006 Institute of Medicine/American Academy of Nursing/American Nurses’ Foundation Scholar, Campbell has been examining the relationship between HIV and violence against women and how this combination contributes to health disparities both nationally and globally.  Her other recent awards include the 2005 American Society of Criminology Vollmer Award (for research contributing to justice), the 2004 Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence Education Award, and the 2004 Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute Extraordinary Lifetime Achievement Family Violence Advocacy Award.

“Jacquelyn Campbell has put nursing research on abuse during pregnancy and its deleterious effects on maternal child health ‘on the map,’” says Nancy E. Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, a JHUSON associate professor who nominated Campbell for the award.  “Because of her research and advocacy, nurses and other health care providers are now more likely to ask women about intimate partner violence.  Dr. Campbell’s work has clearly made a difference in the lives of women and children all over this country and around the world.”