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National Nurses Week to Be Celebrated May 6-12


News Release index

Posted: 5/9/2005

The work of America’s 2.7 million registered nurses to save lives and to maintain the health of millions of individuals is the focus of this year’s National Nurses Week, celebrated annually May 6-12 throughout the United States.

National Nurses Week begins on Friday, May 6, marked as RN Recognition Day, and ends on May 12, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of nursing as a modern profession.

Traditionally, the week is devoted to highlighting the diverse ways in which registered nurses, the largest health care profession, are working to improve health care. From bedside nursing in hospitals and long-term care facilities to the halls of research institutions, state legislatures, and Congress, the depth and breadth of the nursing profession is meeting the expanding health care needs of American society. For more information, visit http://www.ana.org/pressrel/nnw/.