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Johns Hopkins Nursing Current Issue Celebrates the Then and Now of Hopkins Nurses


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Posted: 3/24/2005

Johns Hopkins Nursing Winter 2005 celebrates the rich 115-year history of nursing education and experience at Johns Hopkins with a look at Hopkins nurses yesterday and today through their war letters, course curricula, and nursing uniforms. Also in this issue, three families with generations of Hopkins nurses share their stories.

Letters From the Front

For more than a century, Johns Hopkins nurses have traveled to war zones across the globe to provide for soldiers and other victims of armed conflict. In their letters home, Hopkins wartime nurses tell dramatic stories of providing care in challenging situations. A sampling of letters begins at the Spanish-American War and travels through time to the current war in Afghanistan. http://www.son.jhmi.edu/JHNmagazine/archive/winter2005/pages/fea1_letters.htm

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Nursing education at Johns Hopkins has come a long way since the times when Hopkins nurses were taught that dust was public enemy No.1 and “cocoa cordials” were a part of every good nurse’s arsenal. One can only imagine what the nurses of 1902, who were taught to anticipate doctors’ wishes, might think to see their counterparts play an active role in improving and ensuring patient safety. http://www.son.jhmi.edu/JHNmagazine/archive/winter2005/pages/fea2_lookingback.htm 

Uniform Measures

The Hopkins’ nursing uniform has fostered a vital “esprit de corps” among graduates of every generation. Although the starched white uniform once symbolized the image of nursing, Hopkins nurses have worn pink, blue, and even black to designate their rank and level of training. http://www.son.jhmi.edu/JHNmagazine/archive/winter2005/pages/fea3_uniforms.htm 

Generations of Johns Hopkins Nursing

Mae Teeter, Class of ’49, and her son, Tim Teeter, Accelerated Class of ’94, both followed their nursing dreams, despite the expectations of the society around them. Vee Hembrow-Gay, Class of ’59, and her daughter, Catherine Hembrow, Accelerated Class of ’97, received very different educational experiences at Hopkins, but both agree that the rigorous curricula taught valuable life lessons. And the first Hopkins Nursing father-son alumni, Matthew Zinder, Class of ’99, and Herb Zinder, Class of ’71, will soon work together in the senior Zinder’s health care business. http://www.son.jhmi.edu/JHNmagazine/archive/winter2005/pages/alumni_profiles.htm 

For media inquiries, contact Ming Tai at [email protected]or 410-614-5317