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School of Nursing Launches New Web Site


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Posted: 9/29/2000

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing launched a newly designed web page today that features an easy-to-navigate format, a colorful photo tour of the building, and detailed information about the school’s academic programs and research efforts.

In an effort to attract prospective nursing students, give the School of Nursing a more visible presence on the Internet, and provide valuable information to current students, members of the school’s Web Page Committee decided that a redesign was in order. While the previous design contained all of the school’s pertinent information, members of the committee wanted visitors to the page to find what they need in a fast, efficient manner. 

The new page features easy-to-find links to all aspects of the school’s academic programs, including financial aid and course scheduling. In addition, students can link to various resources from throughout the university and also access their student email accounts from off-site locations.

The School of Nursing’s new web page can be viewed at www.son.jhmi.edu and questions and suggestions about the site can be sent via email to [email protected].