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JHUSON Garden Opens with Food, Fun, and Games


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Posted: 9/13/2010

In celebration of the new unified campus, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) community tossed beach balls and bean bags, played with hula hoops, blew bubbles, and dug into dirt cake at a garden party on August 31.

The party introduced faculty, staff, and students to the recently completed renovations that link the courtyard of the Pinkard Building with the gardens of the newly renovated SON House and Student House. This offers a welcome addition of outdoor space for relaxation and recreation on the East Baltimore campus.

Portions of the walls on the south and north side of the main courtyard were removed, and some walls in the gardens of both houses have been modified to seating height. Donor bricks on one of the removed walls were relocated from the main courtyard to a brick facade adjacent to the Student House.  Badge entry gates installed on the north, south, and east entrances to the campus now allow faculty, staff, and students to travel freely to and from the Pinkard building, SON House, and Student House.

Throughout the new nursing campus, landscapers have enhanced the garden and courtyard areas by replacing cherry trees and removing damaged and dead trees and shrubs. Additional plants have been added to the newly landscaped areas, creating attractive walkways between the Houses and the Pinkard building.

“The new courtyard area makes the School feel more like a campus. It’s so much nicer to go through the garden areas to get into the building. Its a lot more convenient,” says Gabrielle Manton, Traditional 2011.

Dean Martha Hill echoes her remarks and notes, “The removal and lowering of walls in our courtyard and the gardens create a welcoming vista that brings together the Pinkard Building and the Houses, creating a community within a campus.”   

Watch a video of the garden party on our website.