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National Health Information Technology Coordinator David Brailer to Speak at School


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David Brailer, MD, PhD, National Coordinator of Health Information Technology (HIT) for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will discuss national HIT initiatives at the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Nursing (SON) on Tuesday, March 28 from 10:45 a.m. to noon.    

The presentation, which follows a morning of HIT “rounds” at the JHU School of Nursing, School of Medicine (SOM) and Johns Hopkins Hospital (JHH), and the Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH), includes a brief question-and-answer session and will be held in the Carpenter Room on the first level of the SON.  

Dr. Brailer, who was appointed in 2004 as the first National Health Information Technology Coordinator, is charged with deploying health information technology over the next ten years to help realize substantial improvement in health safety and efficiency.  He is recognized as a leader in the strategy and financing of quality and efficiency in health care, with a particular emphasis on health information technology and health .

The morning “rounds” and the presentation have been organized by SON Assistant Professor Patricia Abbott, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, a national leader in nursing informatics.  Dr. Abbott will begin the rounds with a demonstration of the School’s Eclipsys Sunrise Clinical Manager Lab and then will join Dr. Brailer as he visits the simulation labs at SOM/JHH and a demonstration of public health informatics at BSPH.