Posted: 11/2/2009
This flu season the H1N1 virus has increased public anxiety, and will likely increase the number of state residents seeking vaccinations. To assist nurses desirous of participating as H1N1 vaccinators, the Office of Preparedness and Response (OP&R) of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) requested an Intramuscular refresher training program be developed. The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing was chosen as the entity to design and implement the program. A grant provided by DHMH OP&R provides funding to educate nurses across the state on the knowledge and skills to effectively administer intra-muscular (IM) vaccine injections.
The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) and the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing (IJHN) quickly put together a program that consisted of two components: a self-paced online continuing education activity that illustrates the skills of IM vaccine administration and child restraint, and a skill competency program provided in four-hour “train-the-trainer” sessions. Online training went live on September 29, and will be available on the IJHN website for the next two years. The “train-the-trainer” sessions were held October 1-2.
Nurses who complete the online program and post-test through the IJHN website will receive contact hours and a downloadable certificate of completion of the online portion of the program. Upon completion of the on-line theoretical portion, nurses are able to then take the hands-on certification portion of the course. The hands-on portion of the course provides nurses with additional validation of skills and competency in the actual administration of IM injections.
“These training sessions will prove to be an invaluable tool for nurses who have to administer vaccinations to a variety of patients,” said IJHN executive director Jane Shivnan and a project planning committee member.
Others on the committee included Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Pamela Jeffries, DNS, RN, FAAN, ANEF; instructor Diane Aschenbrenner, MS, APRN, RN, CS; and instructional designer Emily Jones.