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Faculty Honored for Excellence in Teaching


Posted: 5/2/2011

Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing faculty members Nicole Warren and Sharon Olsen were recognized for academic excellence with awards given at a Spring All-School Meeting on April 27.

Olsen and Warren were named the 2011 recipients of the Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association Excellence in Teaching Awards. These awards honor faculty members who–according to their students–stand out in their role as both teacher and mentor.

Nicole Warren, PhD, MPH, CNM, assistant professor, Department of Community Public Health, received the Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award. “Nicole’s enthusiasm about all things related to pregnancy, childbirth, and women’s health is contagious to her students. She brings a candor to her teaching that is refreshingly honest, informative, and at times, hilarious,” wrote one nominating student. “[Warren is] a passionate and energetic professor and committed to the professional development of her students,” said another admiring student.

Sharon Olsen, PhD, RN, AOCN, assistant professor, Department of Acute and Chronic Care, received the Graduate Excellence in Teaching Award. “Her passion to ‘grow’ students is humbling and inspiring and it makes us feel like we are her only priority,” said one student. “She saw my worth both as a person and a professional. [Olsen] has motivated me to greater achievement,” lauded another nominator.

After announcing the teaching awards, Dean Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, found herself presented with an award. She was greeted by representatives Ellen Alderton and Debra Timons of the National Peace Corps Office in Washington, DC who presented her a certificate commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps Fellows Program at the School of Nursing. Both Alderton and Timmons thanked Hill for the School’s continued support of Returned Peace Corps Fellows at Hopkins.