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School of Nursing Graduates First Doctoral Student


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Posted: 3/12/1999

Karin Stutzmann Coyne is the first PhD graduate from The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing’s doctoral program. On March 11, 1999, Ms. Coyne defended her dissertation entitled “Gender Differences in Health Related Quality of Life Post Myocardial Infarction.”

Ms. Coyne is a senior research scientist with the Cardiovascular Research Institute at The George Washington University Medical Center. Before that, she was a clinical research coordinator at the University of California Medical Center. Ms. Coyne enrolled in Hopkins’ doctoral program in 1994.

The goal of the School’s doctoral program is to prepare nurse scholars to conduct research that advances the theoretical foundation of nursing practice and health care delivery. Currently some of the chosen areas of doctoral study include domestic violence, heart disease, cancer, and hypertension.

For more information on the School’s doctoral program, call 410.955.7548.