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Leading Biobehavioral Scientist to Join Hopkins Nursing Faculty


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Posted: 5/24/2010

Douglas A. Granger, PhD, an expert in salivary biomarker research, will become a member of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) faculty in June 2010. 

Formerly a Professor of Biobehavioral Health and Human Development and Family Studies at Penn State, Granger is well known for his development of methods related to saliva collection and analysis, and the theoretical and statistical integration of salivary measures into developmental research.
At Johns Hopkins, Granger will lead The Center for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research which will facilitate the integration of salivary analytes into prevention science, nursing, public health, and medicine.

Granger received his doctorate from the University of California at Irvine in the Department of Psychology and Social Behavior and completed post-doctoral training in psychoneuroimmunology at UCLA.  Since 1994, he has been the Director of the Penn State Behavioral Endocrinology Laboratory.  His research has been instrumental in the conceptualization and analysis of biosocial relationships involving child well-being, parent-child relationships, and stress.  He is considered a leading expert in the measurement, application, and integration of salivary biomarkers into behavioral and developmental science.

In her announcement of Granger’s appointment, JHUSON Dean Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN noted “Dr. Granger will be a terrific addition to our faculty.  He is a nationally and internationally recognized scientist and entrepreneur who will bring unique expertise and experience to the School and the University.”   She added, “It’s exciting to think about how readily and how well he will contribute to the study of stress within the School, across the Hopkins campuses, and globally.”

According to Granger, “Hopkins is exactly the right place and this is exactly the right time to establish the Center and develop our basic knowledge to establish the center.  The mission is very clear.  All center activities will be focused to advance our understanding of the meaning and significance of individual differences in salivary analytes and to eventually determine whether the information contained therein can be used to make a difference.”   Granger remarked that “to pursue this grand vision will require collaborative and interdisciplinary effort in an academic environment that lives and breathes creativity, innovation, and discovery.  I am absolutely delighted to enter this environment at Hopkins and to join the nursing faculty.