Posted: 5/30/2006
The latest issue of The Beat, the electronic newsletter of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (SON), reports on the most up-to-date news, stories, and accomplishments of the SON’s leaders for nursing’s future, including:
• Alumna Nancy E. Glass, PhD, MPH, RN, an expert researcher in the areas of public health, health disparities, and intimate partner violence, is appointed to the faculty.
• The Maryland Legislature approves $3 million in funding for the school’s new building addition.
• Former faculty member Elaine Larson, PhD, RN, FAAN, CIC, is the first nurse scholar named to the Johns Hopkins University Society of Scholars.
• Johns Hopkins establishes a new Center for Global Health.
• Our Shared Legacy, Nursing Education at Johns Hopkins, 1889-2006, a tribute to Hopkins Nursing, is now available from the Johns Hopkins University Press.
• A new section of the newsletter entitled “Voices of the SON” provides a forum for students, alumni, and others to give voice to their experiences at the school.
The Beat is issued three times each year via e-mail and the SON website, and features eye-catching graphics, striking photographs, and short text with hyperlinks to detailed articles on the SON website. The May issue can be found at Or subscribe to receive The Beat via e-mail: