COVID Resources
The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing would like to provide resources for faculty, staff, students and the community as we navigate through the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. This website provides the latest updates from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and the greater university.
Johns Hopkins COVID Call Center
Students, faculty, and staff who feel ill or are concerned about exposure to the coronavirus may call the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Call Center at 833-546-7546, seven days a week, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
When you call the JHCCC, representatives will discuss next steps, arrange for testing if needed, and assist in transmitting information to Occupational Health or Student Affairs. The JHCCC will also manage the process to identify and assist people who may have had contact with someone who tests positive.
The JHCCC is staffed by Johns Hopkins nurses, physicians, and specially trained nursing and medical students, but you are always free to call your personal primary care provider, and should continue to do so for family members who have symptoms.
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What prospective students need to know.

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Teaching & Learning
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JHSON COVID-19 Response Fund
Please consider making a gift to the JHSON COVID-19 Response Fund. Your support will directly help us respond to the rapidly evolving needs of our School including increased demand for student scholarships, emergency assistance for front line health care workers, and clinical research initiatives.
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