Inside the Outside Track.
INside the New Case for Nursing
Inside, chronic nurse understaffing, burnout, and turnover threaten our ability to provide quality, equitable, and affordable care. Instead, economist and professor Olga Yakusheva, PhD proposes the Nursing Human Capital Value Model, which challenges health systems and organizations to see nursing as value-adding human capital.

The OUTside Track
A new track in the MSN (Entry Into Nursing) program is preparing students for RN licensure through clinicals conducted entirely outside of the hospital setting. It’s one arm of a paradigm shift toward competency based education, ultimately redesigning nurse education for the future of health.
From Health at Home to ICU, Pediatric Nurse Practitioners Talk About the Care Continuum
‘can’t INtubate, can’t Ventilate,’ then what?
Inside, anesthesia providers have to be prepared to perform an emergency cricothyroidotomy when a person under their care can’t be intubated. DNP Nurse Anesthesia track students introduced a new simulation for providers to practice the procedure at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and showcased its effectiveness to policymakers at the JHH Graduate Medical Education Day.

School health nursing
Inside, nurses at five care suites built in partnership with Baltimore City schools quickly earned the trust of parents, principals, and the students, many with “adult” chronic issues like high blood pressure to go along with asthma or diabetes. Better care = better grades = a better shot.
NP Talk: Where Does Acute
Care End and Community Health Begin?
KRISTEN Brown (INside looking OUTside)
Inside looking Outside: State-of-the-art simulation equipment and visionary ways of teaching with it—led by Associate Dean Kristen Brown—allow students to build skills and confidence in virtually any scenario, anywhere.

Inside Outside: for 15 years, CAPABLE triads of nurses, occupational therapists, and handy workers have been collaborating with older adults to modify their homes so they can age with dignity in their communities. A recent convening, CAPABLE Futures, brought together leaders from across sectors to help unlock nationwide adoption.