The second version of the scale is the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale-16 ™ (RMRS-16)* is a 16-item scale that represents four sub-scales of interprofessional moral resilience:
- Moral Adversity (4 items): Cronbach’s Alpha = .73 – .74
- Personal Integrity (4 items): Cronbach’s Alpha = .76 – .78
- Relational Integrity (4 items): Cronbach’s Alpha = .78
- Moral Efficacy (4 items) : Cronbach’s Alpha = .72 – .76
- Total RMRS-16 (16 items): Cronbach’s Alpha = .85 – .86
The response format is a Likert-type scale with four response options (1=Disagree, 2=Somewhat Disagree, 3=Somewhat Agree, and 4=Agree). See details on scoring when you obtain the scales.
The scale was developed in English; we are interested in working with researchers who are translating the scale into other languages or cultural contexts. See publications for recent translations.
* Rushton, C., Hanson, G., Boyce, D., Holtz, H., Nelson, K., Splilg, E., Robilliard, R. (in press). Reliability and Validity of the Revised Rushton Moral Resilience Scale. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
The Rushton Moral Resilience Scale ™ (RMRS) is a 17-item scale that represents four sub-scales of interprofessional moral resilience: For the overall sale (4 subscales= α=.84). (This is the original version of the RMRS)
- Responses to Moral Adversity (5 items a=0.78)
- Personal Integrity (3 items a = 0.50)
- Moral Efficacy (4 items a = 0.69)
- Relational Integrity (3 items a = 0.78)
The response format is a Likert-type scale with four response options (1=Disagree, 2=Somewhat Disagree, 3=Somewhat Agree, and 4=Agree). All items should be coded so that higher scores indicate more resiliency; this will require recoding negatively worded items indicated with a (R) in the list of scale items. Obtain each subscale score by computing the mean for scores on the items associated with that subscale. An overall score can be computed by combining the means of each subscale. This scale is now retired.
To use a Rushton Moral Resilience Scale ™, please click on the box below, Obtain the Scales. A new browser window will open with the Permission Request Form. Complete and submit the form, and you will receive the scale, the user manual, and the scoring guide.
To learn more about the scales, please click on the box below, About the Scales. To access the publication database, please click on the box below, Publications. There is also a page containing Frequently Asked Questions; if you cannot find the answer you are looking for or require additional assistance, please Contact Us.
Rushton Moral Resilience Scale, © 2021, Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Cynda Rushton, use with permission only.
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About the Scales
Learn more about the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale.

A dynamic database of research and publications that have used and/or referenced the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale.

Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions about the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale.

Obtain the Scales
To use the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale, complete the Permission Request Form and download the Scale, User Agreement, and Scoring Guide.

You may translate the Rushton Moral Resilience Scale for your use. You may also contact other researchers directly for permission to use their translated versions.

Questions – Contact Us
Questions? Please contact us.