Postdoctoral Fellow- Applied Causal Inference for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
A post-doctoral fellowship position is open to work on a study team under the direction of Dr. Laura Samuel. The ongoing NIH-funded natural experiment study (R01NR020885) seeks to evaluate the impact of an existing program that provides Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) outreach and enrollment assistance among low-income adults with disabilities. The ideal candidate will possess strong quantitative methodological and statistical skills and have interest in applied causal inference, including the development of innovative methodological approaches to estimate causal effects in natural experiments and to evaluate effect heterogeneity. In addition to estimating the program effects, the study seeks to examine intersections between socioeconomic adversity, ableism and racism. Work will include methods development as well as applications of advanced statistical methods in public health, and will involve collaboration with faculty in both the School of Nursing and the Biostatistics Department at the School of Public Health. Responsibilities will include statistical collaboration, methods development, methodological literature reviews, simulation studies, data management and analyses, manuscript writing for journal publications, and presentations at scientific meetings.
The initial appointment is for one year, with reappointment for a second year provided satisfactory performance.