Nothelle S, Slade EP, Zhou J, Magidson P, Chotrani T, Pritchett L, Amjad H, Szanton S, Boyd CM, Woff JL. Emergency Department Length of Stay for Older Adults with Dementia, Annals of Emergency Medicine, In Press, Sept. 2023.
Tracy C, Russell NG, DePriest K, Knestrick J, D’Aoust R, Slade E. The Impact of Full Practice Authority on Nurse Practitioner Compensation, Collaboration, and Billing. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, November 2023; 35(11).
Shepard DS, Slade EP, Nighbor TD, Kurti AN, Heil SH, Solomon LJ, Lynch ME, Johnson HK, Markesich C, Rippberger PL, Skelly JM, DeSarno M, Bunn J, Hammond JB, Roemhildt ML, Williams RK, O’Reilly DM, Bernstein IM, , Higgins ST (2022). Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Efficacy of Adding Financial Incentives to Best Practices for Smoking Cessation Among Pregnant and Newly Postpartum Women, Preventive Medicine. (In press.)
Higgins ST, Nighbor TD, Kurti AN, Heil SH, Slade EP, Shepard DS, Solomon LJ, Lynch ME, Johnson HK, Markesich C, Rippberger PL, Skelly JM, DeSarno M, Bunn J, Hammond JB, Roemhildt ML, Williams RK, O’Reilly DM, Bernstein IM (2022). Randomized Controlled Trial Examining the Efficacy of Adding Financial Incentives to Best Practices for Smoking Cessation Among Pregnant and Newly Postpartum Women, Preventive Medicine. (In press.)
Slade EP, Ginsburg GS, Riddle M (2021). Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Coping and Promoting Strength Program, Prevention Science.
Samuel LJ, Gaskin DJ, Trujillo AJ, Szanton SL, Samuel A., Slade E (2021). Race, ethnicity, poverty and the social determinants of the coronavirus divide: U.S. county-level disparities and risk factors. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-11.
Commodore-Mensah Y, DePriest K, Samuel L, Hanson G, D’Aoust R, Slade EP (2021). Prevalence and Characteristics of Non-US-Born and US-Born Health Care Professionals, 2010-2018. JAMA Network Open. 2021;4(4):e218396. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.8396.
Weiser M, Davis J, Brown CH, Slade EP, Fang LJ, Medoff DR, Buchanan RW, Levi L, Davidson M, Kreyenbuhl J (2021). Differences in Antipsychotic Treatment Discontinuation among Veterans with Schizophrenia in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. American Journal of Psychiatry,
Goodwin M, Fingerhood M, Slade E, Davidson P (2021). Development of an innovative curriculum-to-career transition program for nurse practitioners in primary care. Nursing Outlook. DOI:
Higgins ST, Slade EP, Shepard DS (2020). Decreasing smoking during pregnancy: Potential economic benefit of reducing sudden unexpected infant death. Preventive Medicine. 2020 Nov 1;140:106238.
DePriest K, D’Aoust R, Samuel L, Commodore-Mensah Y, Hanson G, Slade EP (2020). Nurse practitioners’ workforce outcomes under implementation of full practice authority. Nursing Outlook, 68(4):459-467.