Dr. Hanson joined the JHSON faculty in 2017. An Industrial/Organizational Psychologist by training, Dr. Hanson’s work focuses on advanced statistical methods, occupation health psychology, work-life integration, and workplace violence. Dr. Hanson is a distinguished scholar in biostatistics and research methods whose sustained research academic contributions in workforce safety and well-being have led to a deeper understanding of how to reduce health risks that originate in the workplace. She has made significant contributions as a Biostatistician in the Methods Core for the Nursing Office of Research Administration (NORA). Her primary role involves facilitating grant submissions by collaborating with faculty on study design, methods, statistical analyses, and power analyses, and then by serving as the project statistician on funded projects and collaborating on related publications. Additionally, Dr. Hanson teaches statistics at in the PhD, DNP, and Master’s programs and provides methods expertise on numerous student and trainee projects in the PhD and DNP programs. Dr. Hanson also regularly allocates time to supporting other faculty members’ early-stage research and pilot studies, a resource that has been particularly helpful to junior faculty members.

Specialties and Expertise
- Biostatistics
- Qualitative Research
- Violence
- Workforce Development
- Workplace Health