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Dorothy Evans Lyne Fund

DEL fund

If you have any questions about this application, please contact [email protected].

The Dorothy Evans Lyne Fund (DEL Fund) seeks to enhance collaborations between the Johns Hopkins Health System and Johns Hopkins School of Nursing by providing funds to conduct pilot studies and secondary analyses to strengthen future national level grant proposals. Projects are limited to a 12-month timeline and the award maximum for a single project is $50,000. (Larger awards may be considered with prior approval by the Vice Dean for Research). Applications are accepted on the 1st of each month. JHSON Post-Doctoral Fellows are also eligible for this award. Please see the Request for Proposals (RFP) for more detail


In late 2001 a gift was made by June R. Elliott, a grateful Hopkins patient, to endow a fund in honor of School of Nursing alumna Dorothy Evans Lyne. Mrs. Elliott made the commitment to honor Mrs. Lyne, a long-time friend, who graduated from the Hopkins School of Nursing in 1959. The two women met in the 1960’s when both of their husbands were training at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. In 2007, the School of Nursing was thrilled to receive an additional gift from Mrs. Elliott.


  • To strengthen collaborations between the Johns Hopkins Health System and Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing to improve patient care and outcomes.
  • To fund pilot studies and secondary analyses designed to improve patient care and outcomes.
  • To provide data to strengthen national-level grant proposals.
  • To provide opportunities for faculty, clinical and community health providers to collaborate in research

All submitted proposals will be screened by the Nursing Office of Research Administration (NORA) to assure that they meet the eligibility criteria before they are sent out to be reviewed for scientific merit.

  • The principal investigator must have a minimum of a Doctoral degree and have a faculty appointment or be a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the JHU School of Nursing.

  • The proposal must be for a pilot study (a small scale study conducted to develop instruments, test and refine procedures, or provide preliminary data prior to conducting a full research study) or a secondary data analysis of existing health system data.

  • The proposal must describe a study to be conducted by a team with that includes members of the Johns Hopkins Health System and Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Including other health professionals for a multi-disciplinary approach is encouraged.

  • The focus of the study should be to improve clinical and/or community health outcomes.

  • The study should be designed to provide strong preliminary data for a national level grant proposal.

  • The prescribed makeup of the team is designed to strengthen collaborations with the health system.

  • The principal investigator of the project must hold a doctoral degree and be a full-time faculty member in the JHU SON or nurse leader within the health system.

  • Ideally the team will also provide mentorship for both clinical/community health care providers and faculty member(s). Clinical or community health care providers will be mentored in the research process by the faculty members, in areas such as research team leadership, grant writing, and the development of a program of research. Clinical or community health care providers will provide mentorship in clinical/community care delivery systems.

  • In describing the makeup of the research team, the connection between the clinical or community provider(s) and the research question should be clear.

The team should consist of:

  • One full-time or part-time JHSON faculty member

  • At least one health care provider with an appointment is in the Johns Hopkins Health System and who has a minimum of a Master’s degree

  • Representatives of disciplines other than nursing as optional members of the investigative team are encouraged.

  • Complete the Intent to Submit Form online approximately 6-8 weeks before the application deadline.

  • Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

  • Proposals for projects that span up to 1 year will be considered.

  • The award maximum for a single project is $50,000.

  • Consultation on application and review procedures is available by contacting the NORA ([email protected])

  • One electronic copy of the application should be submitted here DEL FUND APPLICATION.

  • Funds will be disbursed upon notice of IRB approval.

Application Check List

Applications must include the following: 

  • Application Face Page

  • Detailed Budget (use NIH form Page 4) & Justifications

    • JHSON applicants should consult with Sr. Grant and Contracts Analyst (Sr.GCA) for assistance with the budget form and budget justifications

    • JHH and JHHS applicants should consult with their departments/functional units for assistance with the budget form and budget justifications

  • NIH Biographical Sketch

  • Research Plan (no more than 6 single-spaced pages using Times New Roman or Arial font types, and half inch margins)

    • Specific Aims

    • Background and Significance

    • Research Design and Methods

    • Human Subjects Involvement and Characteristics (not included in page limits)

    • Literature Cited (not included in page limits)

    • Project Timeline (not included in page limits)

  • JHHS Departments of Nursing Approval of Research Involving Nursing or Nursing Resources (Applicable only if the proposed project requires the use of nursing time and effort that are incremental to the usual or routine standard of care or if nursing staff are research participants)

  • Certificate of Completed JHU Human Subjects and HIPAA Training for each member of the team.

    • IRB approval can be demonstrated for each member in lieu of the certificates of completion

  • All submissions will be reviewed initially by the NORA to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria; those that are deemed eligible will be distributed to a panel of reviewers to be judged on their scientific merit.

  • The review panel will be convened by the Vice Dean for Research or designee.

  • All members of the panel will review according to the Review Criteria and rate all applications

  • The panel will meet to discuss the applications and select those that will be funded

  • The number of meritorious proposals that are funded will be determined by the amount of funding available (based on University endowment disbursement policy)

  • The PI must work with a NORA Sr. GCA to submit project expenses on a quarterly basis at minimum.

  • An Annual JHM IRB update.

  • A written final report that includes: a lay abstract, study findings, outline of the subsequent national level grant application, and a copy of the publication(s) associated with this study to the NORA, due 90 days after at the end of the study can be submitted here FINAL REPORT.

  • Publication in a peer-reviewed journal is an expectation of this award.