Projects – Glocal Cardiovascular Health Equity Lab
Addressing HypertensIoN Care in AfRicA (ADHINCRA) study is a multilevel, cluster-randomized controlled pilot trial involving a nurse-led, mobile-health-enhanced intervention to improve hypertension control in Ghana.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Description: Cardiovascular Disease Risk and the Association with Acculturation in West African Immigrants (WAI) Residing in the United States (Afro-CardiAC Study) assessed the social, behavioral, economic and cultural factors thought to be predisposing, reinforcing or enabling determinants of elevated CVD risk.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Description: A Virtual Cardiometabolic Health Program for African Immigrants (Afro-DPP Program) addresses the cardiometabolic health of community-dwelling African immigrants with multiple cardiometabolic risk factors including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and overweight or obesity.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Other team members: Abeer Alharthi, Biruk Teshome, Bunmi Ogungbe, Faith E Metlock, Janice Dugbartey, Thomas Hinneh
Description: EngAGE with Heart is a program developed with and for the communities of Baltimore to support the community’s collective cardiovascular health and create a community in which cardiovascular disease and its consequences are no longer a burden.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Co-I: Bunmi Ogungbe
Coordinator: Janice Dugbartey
Other team members: Faith E Metlock, Thomas Hinneh
Timeframe: 2021 – 2025
Description: Home Blood Pressure Telemonitoring LINKED with Community Health Workers to Improve Blood Pressure (LINKED-BP) aims to prevent progression to stage 2 hypertension for adults with elevated blood pressure or stage 1 hypertension.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Co-I: Bunmi Ogungbe
Coordinator: Janice Dugbartey
Other team members: Faith E Metlock, Thomas Hinneh
Timeframe: 2022 – 2026
Description: A Cardiometabolic Health Program LINKED with Community Health WorkErs and Mobile HeAlth TelemonitoRing To reduce Health DisparitieS (LINKED-HEARTS) incorporates team-based care by including community health workers (CHWs) and pharmacists to improve the outcomes of multiple chronic conditions, namely hypertension, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah,
Post-doctoral fellow: Asma Rayani
Other team members: Janice Dugbartey, Oluwalonimi Adebowale

Team Members Involved:
PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Other team members: Abeer Alharthi, Bunmi Ogungbe, Janice Dugbartey
Timeline: 2023 – 2024
Description: The SYNC-HEART project aims to understand the psychosocial determinants of cardiovascular health among Syrian refugees at the Zaatari camp in Jordan.

Team Members Involved:
PI: Bunmi Ogungbe
Co-PI: Yvonne Commodore-Mensah
Other team members: Faith E Metlock, Janice Dugbartey, Thomas Hinneh
Timeline: 2024
Description: Adaptive personalized dietitian coaching, messaging, and produce prescription to improve healthy dietary behaviors (THRIVE Food is Medicine) provides DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)-pattern produce prescriptions, tailored dietitian counseling, adaptive messages, and linkages to health and social resources, to adults with cardiovascular disease risk factors.