Home / Faculty & Research / Research / Areas of Expertise / Gender-based Violence

To Shield and to Serve the Vulnerable

Nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the U.S., or more than 10 million per year. The physical and economic costs are extraordinary.

Intimate partner violence, societal gender expectations, and economic opportunity play complex roles in physical and mental health health outcomes in both straight and LGBTQ populations. The challenge is to identify those at risk, and act.

Centers and Initiatives

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Faculty Spotlight
Kamila A. Alexander
Natalie and Wes Bush Rising Professor

Kamila A. Alexander is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the PhD and Postdoctoral programs at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Her research examines the socio-structural determinants of trauma and violence on sexual, mental, and reproductive health outcomes among marginalized young people. As a trained advanced practice public health nurse, Dr. Alexander uses […]

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Faculty Profiles: Kamila Alexander

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