Part of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA)
NSNA Mission Statement: NSNA’s mission is to mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses, and to convey the standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as responsible and accountable leaders and members of the profession .
The JHUSNA completes a resolution each year that is sent in to the NSNA. A resolution is a written statement that is the basis for policies and actions of the NSNA. According to NSNA, resolutions are presented on matters of importance to NSNA, its members and constituent associations, the nursing profession, healthcare professionals, and the health needs of the public. Resolutions must address one topic of issue, be national in scope, and fall within the purposes and functions stated in the NSNA Bylaws and Mission. All NSNA constituent school chapters have the opportunity to submit a resolution every year.
Learn more about the resolutions
NSNA Membership
There are many ways to expand your professional development as a part of NSNA. The first step: become a member. Dues are $35/year. Click here for more information!
Expand your professional development through the NSNA by becoming a member. (Dues are $35/year)
Ways to Get Involved
Additional Information NSNA Handbook Nursing Scholarships:
Scholarships & Discounts
NSNA Meetings and Conferences
Discounts & Benefits
Download the NSNA SmartPhone App
Maryland Association of Nursing Students
MANS is a nonprofit organization and constituent member of the National Student Nurses Association [NSNA].
MANS Annual Convention
MANS hosts its annual convention in a Maryland nursing school. This largest MANS event, providing a great opportunity for students to network with hospitals, vendors, and other nursing students and participate in lectures from great keynote speakers.
The theme last year was iLEAD – leadership, education, advocacy, dedication. Last year’s convention was held at Notre Dame of Maryland University on 13, 2016.
More information to come on the MANS 2017 Convention.
NSNA Scholarships
The NSNA Foundation awards over $330,000 in scholarships annually as part of General Scholarship and Promise of Nursing programs. Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 each. Scholarships are based on academic achievement, financial need, and involvement in nursing student organizations and community activities related to health care. Scholarships are awarded each spring for use in summer semesters and the following school year. More information can be found here.
MANS Scholarships
MANS offers a variety of scholarships for nursing students to assist with tuition, textbooks, and housing. Scholarships are given out annually at the MANS Conference. More information on 2016-2017 application cycle to come.
Miscellaneous Scholarship Resources
Discover Nursing Searchable Nursing Scholarship Database
Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program
Health Resources Services Administration Student Scholarship Programs
Student Guide to Financial Aid from US Department of Education
American Association of Colleges in Nursing