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Refunds & Billing


Refund Payment Process

Johns Hopkins students who are eligible to receive refunds resulting from credit balances on their student account, should enroll in direct deposit with Flywire. Login to the SIS self-service student portal; go to Billing, Summary, and Set Up Direct Deposit.  Be sure to verify your address as well since checks are mailed as a default if direct deposit hasn’t been set up.  Go to Personal Info then Summary to verify your mailing address.


Semester/Term Courses

A refund of payments will be made to students withdrawing of their own accord as follows.

Drop DateRefund

Weeks 1 and 2


Week 3


Weeks 4-6


Week 6 and after

No Refund.

Online Prerequisite Courses

A refund of payments will be made to students withdrawing from online prerequisite courses of their own accord as follows. Percentages are calculated from the date the student submits a written statement of withdrawal. No refund will be granted to students dismissed for disciplinary reasons.

Drop Date Refund

Week 1*


Week 2*


Week 3* and 4*


Week 5 and after

No Refund. “W” will be posted to record

Week 8 and after

No Refund.
“WP” or “WF” will be posted to record

*Note: For refund purposes, all prerequisite courses run from Tuesday through Monday.


Student Billing Self-Service

Using the Student Information System (SIS), current students with an active Johns Hopkins Login ID (JHED ID) can receive and pay electronic invoices. No paper invoice will be mailed; review all future invoices online.

Review your student account and make payment in SIS: https://sis.jhu.edu/sswf/

Please mail tuition payments (if applicable) to:

Student Accounts Operations
Johns Hopkins University
Garland Hall B075
3400 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218

Make checks payable to “Johns Hopkins University” and include the student’s name and student ID number that appears on the statement.

Third Party Payers

Students with third party payers—outside organizations sponsoring some or all of their tuition and fees—are required to submit documentation and complete a brief acknowledgement section on SIS Self Service.
For detailed instructions and information, see https://studentaffairs.jhu.edu/third-party. This website includes information on how to upload the required documentation, along with FAQs and contact information for the JHU Third Party Payer team.

Nelnet Payment Plan

John Hopkins University School of Nursing has partnered with Nelnet Campus Commerce which allows you to spread your education expenses over several monthly installments for a small enrollment fee. There is no interest and no pre-qualification or credit check for this service. Specific payment options and enrollment information for this Interest-Free Monthly Payment Plan can be found below or by calling 1-800-609-8056 to speak with an Education Payment Partner who can help with determining the best payment option for your educational costs.

To enroll in a payment plan, log in to the SIS Self-service Student Portal. On the billing tab, select “Summary” and then “Enroll in Nelnet Payment Plan.”

Students/parents enrolled in a monthly payment plan should continue to pay Nelnet monthly. However, all new charges not covered by your original Nelnet contract (library fines, lab breakage, etc.) should be paid directly to JHU upon receiving an account statement. This would be separate from your monthly payment plan installments. Funding for your J-Card (debit card) cannot be budgeted through the Nelnet Payment Plan. Refunds for any overpayments to the plan will be processed after the payment plan contract has been fulfilled. Students/parents can adjust your monthly payment plan if excess funds are on your student account to avoid waiting for a refund.

1098 T Tax Credit Document

Students can consent to receive an electronic form of the 1098-t .  The new 2018 1098-t document will be available  starting, January 25, 2019, SIS:  https://sis.jhu.edu/sswf/  select Billing> Summary> View 1098-T

Student Accounts is responsible for providing students with tuition billing, collecting payments, payment plans, and refund checks Questions about your account? Request support through SEAM’s online form or call 877-419-5131.