SOURCE is the community engagement and service-learning center for the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Nursing, and Medicine. SOURCE’s mission is to engage the Johns Hopkins University health professional schools and Baltimore communities in mutually beneficial partnerships that promote health and social justice. SOURCE serves as a channel for student, faculty and staff involvement with community organizations and local projects–particularly, but not exclusively, focusing on East Baltimore neighborhoods in close proximity to the East Baltimore campus.
SOURCE utilizes critical service-learning in its programs and activities – a pedagogy with a social justice lens. Service-learning is defined as “a structured learning experience that combines community service with preparation and reflection. Students engaged in service-learning provide community service in response to community-identified concerns and learn about the context in which service is provided, the connection between their service and their academic coursework, and their role as citizens.” (Seifer, 1998, Academic Medicine).
Service-learning provides rich opportunities for participants to collaborate with people who are ethnically, racially, socioeconomically, etc. different from them; leading to more responsive and socially active practice, transformative social change, and greater understanding of self and others.
Several SOURCE programs offer meaningful, mutually beneficial community engagement opportunities for the JHU health professional schools, including:
SOURCE Service Scholars – interdisciplinary cohort of students who lead community-identified projects in partnership with local non-profits
Additionally, SOURCE approaches our work through our Guiding Principles and Social Justice Commitments, centering community voices, promoting fair and equitable treatment for all, and forming mutually beneficial partnerships with community organizations. The center intentionally incorporates these key components into all programs, services, and educational activities.
View more information about SOURCE online, or contact SOURCE directly at [email protected] or 410-955-3880.