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Housing Quality Metric

Researchers, policymakers, and practitioners have lacked small-area data to understand how housing quality issues vary across the US. The Housing Quality Metric (HQM) addresses this gap by providing novel data on poor-quality housing at the census tract level nationwide. Led by Collaborative member Veronica Helms, the HQM provides estimated rates of housing quality across three domains: physically inadequate housing, housing cost burden, and poor neighborhood perceptions. The data was created by applying estimates obtained from the 2021 American Housing Survey to data from the American Community Survey.  A new article in the American Journal of Public Health  details the approach and shows its initial associations with population health. The work, led by Helms, also includes Alyssa J. Moran, Thomas Cudjoe, Eliana M. Perrin, and Craig Pollack

The HQM is available for download here l along with a data dictionary . Estimates of poor-quality housing are available for census tracts, counties, and states.

Housing Quality Metric Data Files

Housing Quality Metric (HQM): Census Tracts Scoring in the Highest Quartile for all Three Poor Housing Quality Dimensions (n=8,329)

Housing Quality Metric Data Files