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Space Rental Policy

The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing (JHSON) has adopted a space rental policy to help govern how and when space can be rented by JHU affiliates and external organizations. JHSON’s Pinkard Building (525 N. Wolfe Street) and adjacent courtyard are able to accommodate small events such as retreats, small conferences, workshops, lectures, seminars, etc.

This information is only intended for non-SON JHU affiliates and non-JHU affiliates. All JHSON faculty and staff should refer to the Special Event’s Sharepoint page for guidance on how to reserve space and plan for an event.

The full policy, including procedures, fees, available event support, vendor usage, parking, and space occupancy is available here. Please review the policy before proceeding with the steps below.


  • For JHU Affiliates: JHU affiliates can check for space availability via 25Live and view space diagrams and pictures here. If desired space appears available, fill out this brief Space Request Survey.
  • For Non-JHU Affiliates: View space diagrams and pictures here. Fill out this brief Space Request Survey.
  • The Senior Events Planner will ensure that the event aligns with SON’s policies and availability and then create the event in 25Live.
  • Once the event is created and the space is reserved, the Senior Events Planner will send a link to the Event Details Form that captures all relevant event details. The completed form must be received by the Senior Events Planner thirty (30) days prior to the event.
  • After the form is completed, and before two weeks prior to the event, the event organizer must set up a time with the Senior Events Planner to review the content of the form and confirm any remaining details.

After reviewing the policy, please direct any remaining questions to [email protected].