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Johns Hopkins Honors Nursing Alums


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Posted: 10/3/2011

Nursing alumnae Rosa M. Gonzalez-Guarda, ’05, MSN/MPH; Laura S. Ho, ’07, PhD; and Joan Lorenz, ’71 are recipients of the Johns Hopkins University Alumni Association awards honoring their professional and academic achievements. Gonzalez-Guarda and Ho were recognized as Outstanding Recent Graduates and Lorenz received the Heritage Award. The awards were presented during the JHUSON alumni weekend September 23-24.

Nominated by JHUSON Dean Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, Gonzalez-Guarda has focused her attention on improving the health of minorities and other at-risk communities throughout the world. She has authored numerous articles and presented her work at a national summit. Gonzalez-Guarda is currently an assistant professor at University of Miami. She has been selected to serve on the Institute of Medicine and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Committee with University of Miami President Donna Shalala.

Ho, who was also nominated by Hill, currently works with the International Rescue Committee and heads the health team that provides support and capacity building to non-governmental organizations providing health services in a post-conflict environment on the Ivory Coast. She is the author and co-author of numerous articles and is a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Mongolia. Ho also serves as a board member for Friends of Mongolia in D.C.

Lorenz was nominated by Christina Cafeo, MSN ’97, President of the Johns Hopkins Nurses Alumni Association for “epitomiz[ing] the Hopkins tradition of excellence and [being] the very model of a dedicated Hopkins alumna who continues to give valuable service.” Lorenz is the president of Clearly Stated, a company dedicated to writing and editing health-related materials for healthcare professionals and the general public. She has taught throughout her career, and her papers on nursing leadership and patient care are well known and used in her field. In 2009, Lorenz received Nursing Spectrum’s Regional Nursing Excellence Award in Teaching for her work as a clinical nurse educator at the Bay Pines VA Hospital (FL) and as adjunct nursing faculty at the University of Tampa. 

The Outstanding Recent Graduate Award is given to recent graduates of Johns Hopkins (within the last 10 years of graduation) for outstanding achievement or service in his/her professional or volunteer life.

The Heritage Award honors alumni and friends of Johns Hopkins who have contributed outstanding service over an extended period to the progress of the university or the activities of the Hopkins Alumni Association.