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Hopkins Nursing Celebrates Diversity February 21-25


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Posted: 2/8/2011

Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) kicks off a three-day celebration of diversity on Monday, February 21. 

The annual celebration, honoring Diversity Week, is co-sponsored by the JHUSON Cultural Competency and Diversity Committee, the School’s Returned Peace Corps Fellows, Johns Hopkins Nursing Alumni Association, and JHU Nursing Students United for Advocacy and Action. The special events and exhibits scheduled for the week focus on ethnic, cultural, and spiritual diversity and include:

Monday, February 21

  • Gallery of Cultures and Countries, 8 am-4 pm, Carpenter Room. Displays depicting international experiences as hosted by JHUSON Returned Peace Corps Fellows, students and faculty.

  • Food Vendors, 11:00 am-1:30 pm, Cafe Area. Kumari will sell Indian and Nepalese food, and Hot Mustard, Korean food.

  • Jazz Performance, 12:30-1:15 pm, Room 305. The Dunbar School Jazz Band will perform.

  • Opening Remarks, JHUSON Dean Martha Hill, 1:15 pm, Room 305.

Tuesday, February 22

  • Gallery of Cultures and Countries, 8 am-4 pm, Carpenter Room. Displays depicting international experiences as hosted by Returned Peace Corps Fellows, students and faculty.

  • Talk Story, 4 pm, Student House. Informal gathering of students sharing stories of experiences from their culture.

Wednesday, February 23

  • Gallery of Cultures and Countries, 8 am-3 pm, Carpenter Room.

  • Panel Presentation: Working in National and International Settings: Helpful Facts, 12:30-1:30 pm, Room 9.

Diversity is one of the five values that JHUSON students, faculty, and staff strive to exemplify. Along with the values of excellence, accountability, responsibility, and integrity, the SON embraces diversity as a way to enhance and accomplish the mission of the School.