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Hopkins Nursing Dean is Keynote Speaker at Beijing Conference


Posted: 6/22/2010

Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, dean of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON), will present the keynote address, “Developing the Capacity for Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities  — an Academic Leader’s View,” at the 2010 Beijing International Nursing Conference.

The conference, held on August 20-21, is hosted by the Peking Union Medical College School of Nursing and the Peking Union Medical College Hospital Department of Nursing in celebration of PUMC’s 90th anniversary.  JHUSON is a co-organizer of the event.

The Hopkins nursing relationship with this Chinese school of nursing goes back nearly a century, starting in 1919 when Anna D. Wolf, a 1915 graduate of the Hopkins School of Nursing, was PUMC Superintendent of Nurses.  After establishing a collegiate PUMC nursing education program, she served as its dean from 1924 to 1925. Wolf later became director of nursing at The Johns Hopkins Hospital (1940 to 1955). 

In recent years, the JHU and PUMC Schools of Nursing have collaborated on a doctoral program partnership, funded by the China Medical Board, Inc.  Students in this program, the first full-time doctoral nursing program in the country, have become the first Chinese nurses to receive a nursing PhD from a Chinese university.