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Hopkins Nursing Faculty Among Baltimore’s African-American Who’s Who


Posted: 12/15/2010

Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing professor Fannie Gaston-Johansson, PhD, RN, FAAN, Department of Acute and Chronic Care, was featured in the inaugural “Who’s Who in Black Baltimore,” a publication highlighting more than 200 influential African-Americans who have left an impact on Baltimore.

“I am very honored and extremely humbled to be named among so many prominent African-Americans who have inspired Baltimore’s citizens for decades,” Gaston-Johansson said.

Three other Hopkins faculty were also featured: famed neurosurgeon Benjamin Carson, Sr.; Levi Watkins, professor of cardiac surgery at the School of Medicine; and Crystal Watkins-Johansson (Gaston Johansson’s daughter-in-law), a fellow in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the School of Medicine. Also featured was Gaston-Johansson’s son, Christian Johansson, who works for the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development.

The “Who’s Who” guide was sponsored by several Baltimore-based organizations, including Johns Hopkins, McCormick, and Morgan State University.