Posted: 4/6/2007
Johns Hopkins Nursing Spring 2007 explores the wide variety of complementary and alternative therapies used by Hopkins nurses and outlines how the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing is “building opportunities” for its faculty, students, and staff.
Nursing the Whole Patient
Attending to the patient as a whole person is not a new concept in the nursing profession-and it’s not surprising that Hopkins nurses are increasingly looking outside the scope of conventional training to explore Complementary and Alternative Therapies. In an effort to broaden their methods for healing, faculty, alumni, and students share their experiences with holistic nursing, massage, humor, acupuncture, Reiki, and more.
Second Opinion: Why Recommend Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
Readers share their opinions on whether-and why-they have recommended complementary and alternative therapies to their patients. The poll this issue finds that 91.4% of respondents have recommended CAM; 68.3% of those did so because CAM would improve health when used in combination with conventional medical treatments. In the next issue, readers are asked, “What are the essential components of a 21st century nursing education?”
Building Opportunities
An ambitious expansion of the school, set to unfold over the next decade, will transform the Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore campus, bringing the weight of education and research to balance and complement the soaring towers of the new Johns Hopkins Hospital. The planned light-filled, congenial environment for students and faculty sets the stage for forging connections with colleagues from across the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and University.