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Undergraduate Research Honors Program Names First Cohort


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Posted: 2/9/2006

Ten highly motivated undergraduate students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing have been selected to engage in research with faculty as part of the new Undergraduate Research Honors Program

Each is a baccalaureate nursing students in their first year of study who will work with full-time faculty on an ongoing research project in an atmosphere that fosters an appreciation of research and its value to the nursing profession.

The first cohort of students, their mentors, and the studies on which they will work are:


Faculty Mentor 


Oluwatoyin Abiodun 

Marguerite Kearney

 “Estrogen/Platelet Interaction in Cerebral Ischemia”

Oluyemi Abiodun 

Vicki Mock 

“Mitigating Cancer Treatment-Related Fatigue by Exercise”

Joan Coleman 

Haera Han 

“Better Breast Health for Korean American Women”
“The Experiences and Challenges of Informal Caregivers: A Korean Immigrants Study”

Chase Gray 

Gayle Page 

“Neonatal Pain, Adult Bio-behavioral Responses to Stress”
“Symptom Management: What Works, For Whom, and at What Cost”

Kristen Jadelrab  

Miyong Kim

“High Blood Pressure Care for Korean Americans”

Joanna Josue 

Robin Newhouse 

“Rural Hospital Nursing: Environmental, Effects, and Evidence”

Julia Overturf-Johnson 

Marie Nolan 

“Factors Associated with Living Organ Doner Decision”

Alison Purcell 

Jeri Allen 

“Reducing Total Cardiovascular Risk in an Urban Community”

Rachel Walker 

Phyllis Sharps

 “Advanced Education Nursing Traineeships”

Taryn Westendorf 

Linda Pugh 

“Support for Low-Income Breastfeeding: Cost and Outcomes”

Through their work with a faculty mentor, students will learn about the entire research process – proposal writing, obtaining funding, conducting the project, and reporting the results.  “Students will pair with a faculty mentor on a research topic that interests both of them,” says Jerilyn Allen, RN, ScD, FAAN, Associate Dean for Research.  “The program will benefit both students and faculty alike.” 

Students will conduct a mini research project to facilitate the development of their research skills, and will be encouraged to develop an application for the Johns Hopkins University Provost’s Undergraduate Research Award.  They will also participate in a one-credit research elective for three semesters, consisting of topical seminars on nursing research. 

“The goal of the program is to promote intellectual growth among a diverse group of highly motivated undergraduate students who aspire to learn more about nursing research,” says Allen.  “We hope that the program will encourage students to pursue advanced nursing degrees, such as an MSN or PhD, and continue to engage in nursing research and scholarship.”