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$1.5 Million Grant to Continue Hopkins Clinical Nursing Leadership Program


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Posted: 8/21/2006

The Helene Fuld Health Trust again has granted $1.5 million to the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON) to continue its successful Fuld Leadership Fellows Program in Clinical Nursing.

The unique undergraduate leadership program-first initiated in 2003-augments the JHUSON nursing curricula by matching 40 undergraduate nursing students each year with mentors from the inpatient hospital setting, and by creating opportunities for these students to think critically about clinical quality problems and to take the lead within interdisciplinary teams studying and solving a patient-care quality or safety problem.

The three-year grant of $500,000 per year will support an additional 120 undergraduate Leadership Fellows and, according to JHUSON Dean Martha N. Hill, sustain a program that “enriches the leadership preparation of some the nation’s most talented and promising nursing students.”

Former Fuld Fellow Megan Hoffmann, JHUSON Class of 2004, appreciates how the fellowship showed her the influence she could have on others.  As a fellow, Hoffmann studied and resolved problems associated with a telephone hotline nurses use to alert the hospital pharmacy about patient medications that had not yet arrived.  After the fellowship experience, Hoffmann, who is now pursuing a master’s degree and conducting research at the JHUSON, observed that, “as nurses we can really do something” and now sees evidence-based, best practices as the key to quality patient care.  

Kathleen M. White, PhD, RN, JHUSON associate professor and director of the Fuld Leadership Fellows program, notes that Hoffmann and her experiences are typical of the program that “allows us to groom undergraduate nursing students to become leaders in clinical settings.” White adds, “Nurse leaders like Megan have the potential to transform this profession and to make far-reaching improvements in patient care.  It’s essential that we continue to offer this and similar opportunities to develop innovative clinical leadership and these best practices.”

For more about the program and the projects of current and past Fellows, visit http://www.son.jhmi.edu/practice/fuld/


The Fuld Trust gift brings the total committed to the Johns Hopkins: Knowledge for the World campaign to more than $2.265 billion. The campaign, which benefits both The Johns Hopkins University and The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, has focused on endowment for student aid and faculty support; research, academic, and clinical initiatives; and building and upgrading facilities on all Johns Hopkins campuses.

The Helene Fuld Health Trust is the nation’s largest private funder devoted exclusively to nursing students and nursing education.  In 1935, Dr Leonhard Felix Fuld and his sister, Florentine, created a foundation in honor of their mother, Helene.  In 1965, the foundation was converted to the Helene Fuld Health Trust, and in 1969 HSBC Bank USA (formerly Marine Midland Bank) became its corporate trustee.  HSBC Bank USA is currently responsible for overseeing and administering the Fuld Trust.