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Who Will Care for Us?


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Posted: 2/19/2004


 Who Will Care for Us?
A Johns Hopkins Nursing Symposium on health care
for the aging population
 view event transcript

Thursday, February 26, 2004, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Alumni Auditorium, 525 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205

People turning 50 today have about half their adult lives ahead of them, and each year more than four million men and women join their ranks, according to AARP. Who will care for their health as they grow older?

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing will host a special symposium highlighting the leadership role of nurses in addressing the health care and health policies needed to support the aging population. “Who Will Care for Us?” will focus on the profile of aging in America, trends and policies in an aging society and the role nursing must play in meeting the needs of America’s most rapidly growing population group.

Moderator: Sam Donaldson, ABC News Correspondent


  • Bill Novelli, CEO and Executive Director, AARP

  • Claire Fagin, PhD, RN, FAAN, Director, John A. Hartford Foundation Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity Program

  • Martha N. Hill, PhD, RN, FAAN, Dean, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing

Contact: Dean’s Office, 410-955-7544.

“Who Will Care for Us?” marks the beginning of the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing 2004 Milestone Celebration: A Yearlong Commemoration of our History. Several events are planned throughout the year to celebrate 115 years of nursing education at Johns Hopkins and the 20th anniversary of the School of Nursing as a degree-granting division of the Johns Hopkins University. For more information, including future events, visit http://www.son.jhmi.edu/newsevents/events/milestone.